Ruonan Li
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
1 min readJan 30, 2018


My Difficulties as An International Student

Since I got UCSB, I surely have run into many difficulties regarding life aspect and academic aspect. I will talk about three problems that bother me the most.

To start with, back in home, the food taste a lot different than food in here, and frankly, I am not very fond of the food provided in college. Therefore, I began to find food to eat in IV. The result surprised me, foods there are really delicious. Nowadays if I am not in a rush, I usually go there to eat.

What is more, I find it is difficult to talk to others with fluent English. When I read an article or listen to music, I feel like my English gets by, but when I talk to someone else, all the words I can think of are Chinese. I will practice my English more to solve this problem.

Last but not the least, it is pretty hard to me to understand every word professor says on lecture. It really bothers me since my grade is important to me. So I started to read the material before class and this problem has not bothers me that much since then.

