My Goals For Winter Quarter 2018

Yutian Chen
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readJan 22, 2018

It seems as a tradition that we will be asked to set up some goals for ourselves at the beginning of each quarter. At that time, we may be really passionate towards our new lives and believe we are going to achieve all of our dreams. However, for me, as time goes by, some of my goals are still just goals. I would lose my passion working for them gradually, and then they become the goals for the next quarter. Therefore, I would say that being more persistent on achieving my old goals would be my new goal for this year, the year when I am 18 and become an adult.

First of all, I hope I could make friends with more Americans. Before I came to the United States, I thought I am a very outgoing girl, and I would not be afraid of communicating with Americans, so I hoped I could make lots of American friends here. However, things are totally different when I am truly here. For the last quarter, 99% of my friends are from China, because I avoided all the chances to get in contact with Americans both unintentionally and intentionally. For example, I joined the club called IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) where most of us are Chinese. In chemistry labs, I also chose to have a Chinese partner even though our teacher suggested us to have a partner with different backgrounds. For this quarter, I want to step out of my comfort zone by firstly choosing a non-Chinese partner in sections.

Secondly, I need to improve my study habits to perfect or at least keep my GPA for the future quarters. Even though I did not get ‘A’ s for all of my courses, I am still quite satisfied with my GPA for this quarter, when I still receive an A- for Engineering 3, the course teaching programming in MATLAB,which I really had a hard time following the teacher at the beginning. However, I am discontented with my study habits. I am the kind of person who study very hardly in the last minute of the exams. Therefore, for this quarter, I hope I would not procrastinate on studying and could keep doing the following for the whole quarter: reading textbook before lectures, taking notes in class, and reviewing notes before doing homework. Don’t let the deadline be my only motivation.

I was not a persistent person and I was also a little bit stubborn. It was sometimes quite hard for me to make changes in my life, but I hope at the year when I become an adult, I could make myself a better person by keeping track of my progress towards my goals.

