My Resolution for 2018

yuming fei
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readJan 18, 2018

Although the Chinese new year hasn't come yet, it’s already 2018 in America. And the winter quarter has begun. It is my second quarter first year in UCSB. Fortunately, I received A for all classes last quater. I hope I can also achieve all A in academics this year. Thus, I have to spare no effort on studying, finishing all the assignments. If I want to do well in class, firstly, I have to read the syllabus carefully to know the schedule. Before each class, I should do some preview of course materials so that I won’t be unable to catch up the professor. After class, I should do the homework carefully. In the case of having question, I will go to talk to the professor during office hours. Because the majority of my classes are science classes, I will do a lot of exercise to solidify my knowledge. I hope I can also have chance to take summer session this year. I guess I have to find somewhere to live during the summer. It’s my plan for academics.

As for interpersonal relationship, I hope I can keep in touch with my roommates and people in my dorm after we move out current dorm in sophomore year. I feel so lucky that I can live with them. Although they are all American, they never exclude me but accept me, teaching me a lot about American culture. When I have trouble speaking English, they will listen patiently and correct my mistakes. I plan to invite them to go to Disneyland and watch Taylor Swift concerts. And when I am back from China, I will bring them some souvenirs from China. You have to contact your friends often or as time goes by, the relationship will disappear gradually.

As for spare life, I hope I can get American driver license. I already made a reservation for exams. I also have to borrow car from my friend for road tests. I also sign up membership of badminton. I will play badminton every friday so that I can keep fit. Besides, I am planning to travel to places of interests in America with my friends during the break like Yosemite and Yellow Stone national park. I hope I can take stunning photos there.

The above are my new year plans.

