Step Out From Comfort Zone

Maige Pan
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
3 min readJan 21, 2018

I still remember the dizzy feeling when my feet step on the gourd of US four months ago. I feel like I have only come here for a few days, but the truth is that time slips away before you even noticed, during the nights I stayed up late for paper deadlines, from the laughter and those happy moments. With the unawareness of its coming, 2018 truly came.

When people comes to the topic of new year, something that we always come up to is the new year resolution. Back then, my elementary school teacher asked us to write a new year resolution after we come back from the winter break, but it was a hard task for me. Every time, I wanted to face my true feelings, but the answers were always that I don’t know what I want to achieve. Maybe it is because of that entering a new year is not that ceremonial to me plus my goals have not changed for a long time. They are just the same for every quarter. Those same old goals for me are: study hard, have fun, and stay fit. I have no regrets about anything I did last quarter. I had a great start, though it has not been so perfect, c’est la vie. I met great people in new school; my GPA is not bad; I met my boyfriend. Those are all things that I am grateful for. How can I ask for more? Probably the only regret is that I have never been to any parties yet since the university is famous for its party.

Though I said that it had been a hard time for me to thinking about my new quarter goals, I still have some small goals under those three big titles. For “study hard,” the first thing I planned to pay more attention to the reading materials of each class. Reading in English gives me headaches, but for a better grade and improvement of my reading speed, I guess it is worth. The second thing I planned to do is to speak more in the sections. Be an international student is a hard task, your first language is what you use for discussion, which means it would give you a hard time to translate your thoughts or express yourself adequately. Sometimes when I found that it would be hard for me to explain clearly, I lost my desire to shout out my answers or ask any questions. But I found it harms my grade; also it harms the communication between my classmates and me. To break this image of a quiet student in the class, to overcome the language problem and stand out my comfort zone is not an easy thing, but it starts from now, from every next section I attend. Why afraid? I would probably never see those people ever again after this quarter. I won’t let the fear beat me again.

For “have fun,” probably it is the same problem, which is I just lost the desire to make new friends. Social intercourses can be very tiring. Staying in my comfort zone with my old friends is not a bad thing, but there are still so many interesting people outside there waiting for me to meet them. Trying does not hurt. It’s somehow the same for the goal of “stay fit.” I always have all kind of excuses to be lazy, lying on bed instead of going to gym even if I have time. Lying on bed and drink coke makes me happy, but the happiness rising from heart that every time I see myself breaking my old record for work out is also so true to me. Self-restrains become one of the most important characteristics that I need to develop.

It’s simple to say it but hard to do. Walking out of the comfort zone, that is always where miracle starts to happen.

