The Goal of This Quarter

Lingrui Wu
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readJan 21, 2018

This topic reminds me of the goal of last quarter. I just arrived at UCSB and all I wish was to get used to the new life here. To my surprise, I accommodated all the things well and felt even better now than before. This quarter, my goal is to record one best thing that I encounter every day.

After the first quarter at UCSB, I find that there are so many excellent things happen every day around me. Encountering a rabbit on the way to class, seeing the same bird I knew standing on the same branch of a tree, or having a lecture given by an instructor that was interesting. Appreciating these miscellaneous things makes my day more colorful and comfortable. Tomorrow becomes mysterious and worth-expecting. It is no more troublesome to even think about, or repetitive and tedious like “another day I wake up and do the same thing till the break comes”. I believe that my life will get more oriented for a good reason to notice a good thing happen rather than heavy school work. After all, studying is only a part of the whole life.

Another important reason I want to keep this record is that it helps relieve emotional pressure. I am glad that I live in Manzanita Village for my first year in university. This experience makes me unintentionally get the habit of paying attention to little things happen every day, soothing my anxiety and pressure. I notice that other friends of mine, especially those who live near the main campus, are somewhat more anxious and distracted than me. They see buildings and students more often than ocean and animals. Thus, they are more focused on their study and not dare to slow and take a look at other things. It creates a vicious circle and gets worse when mid-term or final comes. I understand the future pressure and heavy work that I have and are going to have, so I wish to relieve some of my emotional pressure aroused from anxiety via the record.

Regarding how I plan to do it. I think I will be more active to create some good things in my day. For example, I will insist to go to the gym on weekend. Keeping exercise not only gets myself ready for classes and homework, but also makes me feel energetic (most importantly, keep me warm in winter). Or I can try to know one new classmate in each of my course this quarter. Meeting people and getting to know who they are is an interesting thing too. Though these things seem childish, to me, it can make a huge difference in my day.

In short, start from now. Posted the best moment of today, an amazing night view before going to have my dinner.

The Lawn near Ucen

