Jiarong Song
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readFeb 10, 2018


The purpose of language

Language is a big part of human culture and plays important role during our daily life. When talking about language, it seems like a huge term to define. However, its importance cannot be ignored. It indicates the origin and development of human kind, maintaining communication. So language has many relationships with culture, history, regional characteristics and etc.

First, the original purpose of language is to communicate. Since language used to describe the complex system of human communication, the creation of language is to help people express. Because cultural and regional difference, human kind created different languages, which can be shown from old fossils. Even though many languages written on fossils are originally images or shapes of stuffs, they help human to recognize things and record them by using their unique languages. After a series of developments, people do not limit to just express. They also seek for development of their languages like different sounds, letters, and combinations for better and more accurate expression. Although languages have many forms, such as oral, manual and tactile, their main purpose is to communicate.

By saying that language cannot exist without life, and culture belongs our daily life, culture intertwines with languages. For example, as Chinese, we have the label as hospitable, outgoing, and having profound cultural background. Inevitably, our culture integrates into our language, Chinese. Like we have famous poets from hundreds years ago, their poem cannot be simply translate into English, because their special word choice even cannot be translate into modern Chinese which will destroying their original meanings. That is why many linguists try to learn foreign languages to better perceive the meaning behind words.

Language is the wisdom of people. They develop it not only limited to communication but also to represent different cultures. Language helps the spread of culture. It works as base to pass on cultures. Without it, culture can only exist in one generation.

