Global Collaboration in Manila

Our Founder, Sheri Lozano, participates in The Lausanne 2019 Global Workplace Forum

3 min readJul 2, 2019


Link2Lift Founder Sheri Lozano has just returned from the Lausanne 2019 Global Workplace Forum (GWF) in Manila, Philippines . GWF is a forward-thinking, international network of like-minded leaders in the workplace and clergy. This unique movement is to connect influencers and ideas for global mission through their work and ministry. Rarely are there opportunities to experience and participate in a global movement of this magnitude that is exceptionally diverse and inspiring. We were humbled and grateful to have been nominated and invited.

GWF is an invitation-only forum with a rigorous and open nomination and selection process. They are strategic with each invitation to ensure the right influencers come together from all regions of the world, across generations, genders, and networks. This year, the forum included 850 participants from 109 nations. 70 percent of the participants were from the workplace — the highest percentage of any major Lausanne gathering to date — with special representation of voices that have typically gone unheard, such as blue-collar workers and ‘no-collar’ workers (ie those working in the home or as volunteers). Most often, these conversations have happened between theologians, church leaders, and white-collar professionals. This year represents the Lausanne Movement’s most inclusive effort to date to address the divide between the church and marketplace.

As a woman who has founded a company with the potential for global impact, Sheri was invited to attend as well as given the opportunity to present a Learning Lab. The Learning Lab is a collaborative space directed to help individuals learn, create and innovate solutions for their network. To date we count conversations with 18 different countries who were inspired enough by the work of Link2Lift to take ideas to their homeland.

Professionals from around the world attend and are available to speak into the business and help propel the work Link2Lift is doing. We were thrilled when they would call our business “revolutionary” and were excited to work alongside us.

GWF is a working gathering with engagement before, during, and after the event in Manila. We look forward to cultivating more of these meaningful friendships. Our time in Manila will continue to fuel and motivate us as we press forward believing that Link2Lift has the potential to make a global difference.




We believe community transformation happens when people, architecture and technology are leveraged to create thriving cultures of collaboration.