Meet the Team @ L2L — Kallen

Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018

We love our team, and we want you to get to know them too! These amazing people are working behind the scenes every day to make the Link2Lift vision happen. This week, we interview Kallen, our new Communications Designer!

Hi Kallen! Welcome to the team! Tell us a little bit about your role at Link2Lift.

“I recently joined the team as a Communications Designer. This means most of my time will be spent writing and designing internal and external content for Link2Lift and our clients.

My favorite work days are spent in coffee shops getting hyped up on caffeine, headphones on, cranking out graphics and copy for a new project. As a former nonprofit staffer, I enjoy wearing many hats, but my passion is authentic and meaningful storytelling. Link2Lift’s inspiring partners and clients have incredible stories to tell, and I look forward to helping us share them throughout each of our unique projects.”

Do you have a favorite company value or quality?

“I came to this position from the nonprofit world, and I really resonate with Link2Lift’s vision to enrich the lives and culture of nonprofit teams! Their innovative approaches across the private and nonprofit sector to leverage space and resources can make a big impact. I cannot wait to walk alongside our clients, hear their unique stories, strengths, and challenges, and help make their spaces and lives better!”

What do you do when you are not working with the Link2Lift team?

“I try and take advantage of the beautiful Oregon outdoors as much as possible with my husband Eric and our fur baby, Ivy (the cutest Mini Australian Shepherd on the planet.) Hiking the Columbia River Gorge and running in Forest Park are two favorites. However, during those long, rainy Portland months I have to admit I’ll often be curled up rewatching The Office and Parks and Rec on Netflix.”

What is your favorite place in the world?

“I’m a Midwestern girl from Des Moines, Iowa. I absolutely love to travel, but there’s nothing like being home. Cheesy, but true. (I do not miss those frigid Iowa winters though.)”

Do you have a favorite quote/mantra that influences you?

“Do Hard Things” has been a mantra for me since high school. It has come up in many different seasons, and it’s often the reminder I need to press into personal and professional challenges and stretch myself out of my comfort zone.”

What is your guilty pleasure?

“French fries. Preferably from Lardo in Portland. Best fries in the world.”

Thanks for sharing Kallen, we are happy to have you on the team!




We believe community transformation happens when people, architecture and technology are leveraged to create thriving cultures of collaboration.