The Link2Lift Journey

A Note from CEO and Founder Sheri Lozano

7 min readNov 7, 2019


It seems fitting at the three-year celebration of Link2Lift to stop and reflect on how we got here. Our journey has been full of unexpected turns, inspiration and encouragement. We started without any formal business plan or agenda. I hope someday we can properly document it in its entirety, but here is my cliff-note version of the Link2Lift story thus far.

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

Global Vision Takes Shape in Haiti and Ethiopia

The inspiration for Link2Lift began in 2012, after I returned from a mission trip to Haiti. I was feeling increasingly burdened by the overwhelming need in the world, as many people do after participating in trips like these. If I decided to use my resources to travel to every country possible, in the end, I knew one person could only do so much. I kept wondering, What is the best use of my time and resources? How can I make a bigger difference?

In 2013, I took another mission trip, this time to Ethiopia. Questions about stewardship and impact continued to linger in my mind, but I also saw something incredible happening among and through these diverse teams of people working for a common purpose overseas. I spent a significant amount of time reflecting on my experience when I returned. Here is an excerpt from a letter I wrote after my trip in November 2013:

“People from different places in the US showed up to be the team I would work with all week. They were amazing. How can people with so many different personalities and gifts come together to work without conflict? In addition, how can a team of 50 who are from different continents and don’t even speak the same language work together without conflict? Maybe it is because we are all there for one purpose, to show God’s love…really special time.”

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Searching for the Secret Sauce of Collaborative Culture

The team culture in Ethiopia was astounding. It drastically contrasted with my experiences in the US. I started to feel discontent with collaboration within my own American culture. I’ve seen some organizations in the US work together very well, but many times, it seemed to me that the wealthiest country with the most resources didn’t know how to collaborate well. I decided to take a deep dive into learning everything I could about collaboration. Why is it hard in America? What are the pain points? My curious journey began.

I started to feel discontent with collaboration within my own American culture.

Photo by Brusk Dede on Unsplash

I began sitting in and observing teams; pulling together people from different faith communities, nonprofits and city agencies that were trying to work together. There were a few successes and more opportunities. It often felt like I came back with more questions than answers. I attended every conference I could fit into my schedule. One thing I observed across the board; there was a higher chance of successful collaboration when everybody met together in the same room, face-to-face. Somehow this was the start of building trust. That moment of face-to-face connection allows someone to determine who is “for” them.

Exploring Physical Space and Community Dynamics

Unexpectedly, my journey then led me to urban planning. What are the physical aspects of building a community? In 2016, I walked downtown Denver with a planner and an architect and heard the story of their city. It started to become apparent that building something beautiful isn’t always successful. If there is significant vacancy or no synergy, urban planning and architecture can fail the community. I started to become more aware of empty buildings and unused space.

Photo by Henry Desro on Unsplash

All of this research and experience built a passion for creating physical space where people have shared purpose and create collective impact. I dreamt of places that, when people heard about them, they would rejoice. The community would know that good things come from there, and people in that space are “for” you. Empty buildings could become assets for the local community.

All of this research and experience built a passion for creating physical space where people have shared purpose and create collective impact.

One particular day I was sharing my heart with a businessman who challenged me to think bigger. “You serve a big God, people like me like being a part of big things. Is it possible that there are people who owned buildings and would dedicate them toward something with a collective impact?” His question stuck with me. Is this how I can be a part of global change?

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Transformational Purpose Brings a Network of Champions

It’s been three years since Link2Lift was birthed out of this curious journey. There have been countless champions, nonprofit organizations, architects, designers, foundations, businessmen and women and friends who have caught the vision. Many of them desire to steward a portion of their time and talent toward thinking big. To date, we have cast vision to 18 countries. Every week, we receive calls from people who have access to empty buildings or empty space and want to repurpose them for common good. They see the value in not only utilizing their space, but intentionally designing it in a way that builds a collaborative culture that ultimately impacts their community.

To date, we have cast vision to 18 countries. Every week, we receive calls from people who have access to empty buildings or empty space and want to repurpose them for common good.

Our team is constantly learning and staying fresh with new ideas about collaboration and physical space. We’ve explored models that serve creatives and fine arts communities, nonprofit organizations, models that utilize new construction as well as repurposed space. The solutions are endless, but all have one shared goal; rethinking the intentional expression of physical space as an asset to building community. All models bring people together by effectively fostering collaboration, sharing resources, and accelerating their work.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

From Founding to Future: Vision Remains as the Team Continues to Grow

Today, my heart is so grateful for the amazing team that has worked countless hours to help elevate the vision of Link2Lift. I am grateful for the generosity I have experienced along the way. I realize that our company is uniquely founded on the idea that we are better when we work together. Thank you to the many people who opened doors and extended friendship. I am extremely grateful to have co-founded the company with Sergio, a patient and talented man who gets up every day to be my personal biggest fan and provide the very best design direction in all we do. We have a lean team but an amazing team, and each one desires to use their work for a bigger purpose. We are growing our team, friendships and vision. It makes me terrified and excited all in the same breath.

When you go through out your day today, will you look around? Where is the vacant space? What new thinking can be applied to that space? What relationship or partnership do you need to collaborate better with? Take the time, create the margin for face-to-face connection. It may be the key to increasing the impact of the work you do. Anyone who knows Sergio and I know that everything we do is so that we can have a very small part in a much bigger picture; not only restoring communities, but drawing people to our God and Savior.

The best is yet to come,


More about Link2Lift:


We believe that whole communities can be radically transformed through re-thinking how we leverage empty and underutilized physical spaces.


We have developed a data-driven and human-centered approach to repurposing empty or underutilized space. We help our client activate ways to use their space in a way that will ultimately benefit common good or the communities around them.


Our vision is to see a portion of every building dedicated to common good so that our collective impact will bring global change.




We believe community transformation happens when people, architecture and technology are leveraged to create thriving cultures of collaboration.