We are Link2Lift.

Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2018

Technology is changing the world around us. Next generation leaders are sharing resources, information, rides, and even their homes. With this culture shift, people are working from home or off-site, and organizations are becoming burdened with unused space. A decade ago, there was about 40,000 square feet of shared workspace in the United States. As of February 2018, the United States has close to 27 million square feet of shared workspace-this means that there is 675 times more shared workspace today. This represents 20 major cities and we believe this is a conservative number. Imagine the impact to communities if one tenth of this shared space was dedicated to common good. This is the inspiration and drive for our team. We want to leverage this cultural shift and guide others through creation and collaboration within these underutilized spaces in a way that impacts common good.

At Link2Lift, we have developed a four-step process, called the Common Good Collaborator Model: Explore, Create, Act, Release. Through our process, we partner with space owners and community influencers to reimagine underutilized space into something that can benefit the community. We strive to transform workplace culture by partnering with property owners who have an appetite for innovation and a desire to increase their organization’s impact. There are nonprofits in your community that are looking for strategic relationships and affordable office space. What would happen if your organization shifted its culture to be community-centered? Imagine how your life and the lives of those that live in your community would be changed by dedicating even a tenth of unused space to common good! How could your community be impacted by a space that brings people with a common vision together?

Look around. Discover the potential. Do you have a building that is too large for your company? A strong desire to help start-ups, non-profits and other businesses in your community? Reimagining space, crafting culture, and empowering purpose is what we do, and we believe the best is yet to come.

For Common Good,

The Team at Link2Lift




We believe community transformation happens when people, architecture and technology are leveraged to create thriving cultures of collaboration.