Why Your Shared Space Needs a Community Director

Setting up a collaborative space is the first step toward success, a
skilled Community Director is the second.

4 min readMay 23, 2019


Successful shared workspaces engage in this best-practice: clear and consistent communication. When it comes to sharing a space with multiple organizations and many moving pieces, operational functions need to be managed well and communicated efficiently to maintain longevity. This is why Community Directors are key to building strong environments where
organizations can reach their full potential.

What is a Community Director?

A Community Director is the organizational and interpersonal leader of a working community. By breaking down silos and building connections between organizations, this role fosters an environment that maximizes shared goals and harnesses a workspace’s greatest assets.

On a concrete level, Communication Directors are responsible for leading member organizations in advancing programmatic sustainable development. This looks like creating and maintaining policies, supporting organizations by keeping a pulse on how the space fits into the local community, and strategically enriching members by providing opportunities for joint learning.

While it is true that people in the role of a Community Director definitely need to be masters of social interactions, the role itself is fundamental to business success. Operational responsibilities such as vetting applications and managing operational logistics are vital components of a shared space that are easy to overlook. In fact, without a Community Director, a community will see a decrease in productivity, interest, and may be surprised by unexpected turns. The clear leadership a Community Director provides allows organizations to function smoothly because legal policies, best practices, and space oversight are centrally orchestrated. Having a dedicated leader who is committed to the wellbeing of organizations bolsters workplace success.

The whole goal is to maximize the space’s potential and enrich member organizations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of having a Community Director to oversee a shared space.

Every environment has a different set of asks from a Community Director, but that is just another reason why having a one for your specific space is so important. Some basic tasks that most Community Directors are responsible for look like:

● Facilitates collecting feedback and provides clear timely solutions. Members are empowered to succeed when they have full confidence in the workspace’s leadership.

● Distributing relevant information to tenant partners in a timely manner.

● Designing and implementing evaluation metrics for assessing satisfaction.

● Prioritizing an open-door policy to all organizations in the space.

● Identifying needs that transcend all member organizations and planning educational or community events that touch on those needs.

● Managing the community calendar.

● Creating an opportunity for tenants to fit into the larger local community.

Why is a Community Director Important?

1. Centralized communication resources are vital to organizations working in a shared space. Access to information in a timely manner is cited as an obstacle to the work process 70% of the time. Community Directors work to distribute relevant information, such as significant events, changes, or developments, in a transparent and timely way. Efficient communication speeds up workflow. When the Community Director is regularly available for face-to-face communication and consistently provides updates, organizations are empowered with a rich information resource.

2. A steady sense of direction is necessary for sustainability. Community Directors help each organization keep its individual identity while also fostering a shared vision for the community. This sense of certainty created by the presence of a Community Director bolsters confidence in a shared vision.

3. Multiplying opportunities allows organizations in the same space to benefit from each other. In a study by Steelcase, 73% of respondents indicated that they were unable to access the right people. Community Directors can solve this obstacle by acting as the connective tissue of a shared space. Opportunities and resources multiply through an ever-growing network. A Community Director has in-depth knowledge about each organization and can foster innovation through connectivity. Shared goals are the heart of what makes a collaborative space successful, and Community Directors consistently point back to common values, hopes, and purposes, providing a unified voice for collaborative space.

What Makes a Good Community Director?

No one can oversee shared space like a Community Director because it is a unique leadership role.

A few excellent traits include:

● Taking responsibility for the environment and committing to the wellbeing of every organization in the space.

● Consistency, consistency, consistency. Predictability and transparency are foundations for trust in collaborative spaces.

● Business minded professional who values integrity and can hold to community guidelines.

● Excellent hosts for in-house or off-site events that encourage interaction, provide opportunities for learning and fosters innovation.

● Diplomatic attitude with the ability to navigate toward solutions.

Is It Worth It?

At the end of the day, is it worth it to have a Community Director to oversee your space?

We say YES!

The role a Community Director plays is irreplaceable, vital to success, and strengthens communication on all levels. We believe this role safeguard shared space through promoting and enabling efficient communication that leads to solutions and empowers organizations.




We believe community transformation happens when people, architecture and technology are leveraged to create thriving cultures of collaboration.