Emotional Intelligence and Networking: Tried and Tested Allies

Emotional Intelligence can play a stunning role in your efforts to Network.

Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2018


Emotional Intelligence, or EI, can be defined as a set of skills that governs our ability to relate to people, while managing our own emotions and those of the others. It is a globally recognized and widely measured form of intelligence. EI often influences not only your personal but also your professional relations. An acute awareness of one’s EI helps to form and manage these relations in a much more efficient manner.

While talking about professional relations we can’t help but talk about networking; one of the most important aspects of the corporate world that shapes the scope of opportunities for all kinds of businesses and the people involved. Owing to its nature and mode of conduct, it is inevitable that for the networking process to happen fluidly, one must have a deep understanding of people and how to connect with them. This is exactly where EI plays a role.

As Leslie Howes said, “Effective networking isn’t a result of luck — it requires hard work and persistence”.

EI is definitely an active player in making the aforementioned hard work and persistence bear fruits in networking. It is because of EI that one can form contacts beyond the work space. The reason behind this is that EI helps to put people at ease, creates trust and respect, and encourages those involved with a can-do attitude. Therefore, EI has the capacity to completely transform the way one networks, fusing the elements of understanding and empathy with our otherwise professional motivations.

EI basically makes us more efficient in connecting with people. Further substantiating EI’s applicability in the corporate world is a recent Harvard Business Review article, which reports that the quality that most senior executives lack is empathy. Empathy governs our connection with people and thus defines networking. This clearly shows how professionals across corporate fields can excel in networking by focusing a tad bit more than usual, on this often neglected trait.

“The successful networkers I know, the ones receiving tons of referrals and feeling truly happy about themselves, continually put the other person’s needs ahead of their own.” — Bob Burg

Our previous understanding of EI, and the above-given statement, certifies that people successful at networking indeed have a high EI, helping them manage their own feelings and emotions while balancing it with the need of others around them. This automatically answers the question that must have arisen in your minds while reading the article, ‘Why is EI so important to me?’. The connection is simple, when you know yourself, and understand how to manage what you know about yourself, you will feel more confident when meeting others. Governed by clarity and emotions, your way of networking would witness a radical shift.

To sum up, EI and networking are directly related; a high EI translates into better networking, maximizing your eventual interaction returns!

Though networking and understanding the convenience of another person may seem like a time consuming and difficult process, with a little help it can become easy. This is where LinkCards will help you in your efforts. Leveraging tech for convenience — with LinkCards, you will definitely be able to make your and your networks’ lives easier. With us, you can digitally send them your business cards and these cards will be safe in their wallets and you can sleep peacefully with that belief. You’re also making it easier for them to get all your details in one go, in one place.

Sign up here to help your network grow, while you witness your networking style changing for good!

