Paper: A Devil in Disguise?

Linkcards App
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2017


With the technological revolution, the emergence of the printing press and increased wood harvesting, disposable paper has become a common and readily available commodity. From the newspapers that we read to the bags that we use, large amounts of waste paper end up in landfills. Though it is hard to believe, there was once a time when paper was a precious and rarely available commodity. But now, paper is everywhere. This advancement in technology has resulted in an increase in paper consumption and of course, wastage of paper.
These factors have contributed to what we call paper pollution.

Today, let’s explore how paper pollution is indeed a burning issue. We are getting more savvy at paper-saving and technology!

Could you imagine, that about 14% of wood harvested globally is utilised to make paper? Sounds a tad much, doesn’t it? Statistics show that almost 1 in 10 trees are cut for the purpose of manufacturing paper. We really need to look intrinsically and question whether we actually need all that paper to survive; or could we make the choice to safeguard our trees, a vital natural resource.

The use of paper has had a significant impact on the environment, and today, people are realising the detrimental effects of wasting our natural resources. Cheap paper value, massive deforestation and ready availability have led to immense growth in paper wastage and consequent environmental damage. As awareness of the hazards of deforestation and overuse of paper increase, change — both individual and institutional has been happening as well. Right from people printing on both sides of a sheet, to efforts to lower paper consumption, to a lot more recycling — there is some effort that we’re making, without doubt.

In today’s age of digitalization, people are looking for more ways to go paperless and safeguard the environment. However, we need to note that there is still a lot that needs be done before we can actually become independent and not make use of paper or its products.

LinkCards is here to ameliorate this situation.

Technology can help us save paper.

If each one of us makes a conscious decision, much can be done here. Here are a few tips that we’ve found to help along the paper saving journey:

Come on already!
  1. Recycle & Reuse — One of the most widely used approach towards responsibly using paper is recycling the paper waste that one generates. You could also reuse the paper. For instance: Use both sides of the paper before you throw it away.
  2. If you already own a hard copy, don’t re-print the content unless it is absolutely necessary.
  3. While communicating with your clients and customers, use emails instead of paper, as far as possible.
  4. Buy products that come with the least paper packaging. Look for, and support businesses that incorporate environment friendly practices.
  5. Encouraging your friends, family and other people that you know to recycle waste paper is the best way to spread the message and contribute to change.

These are just a few steps that one could take to try and save paper.

Paper, as we all know, is the primary component of a business card and these business cards often end up as wasted paper. One of the reasons why LinkCards exists is the desire to find ways to help reduce paper consumption in everyday life. Business cards are corporate necessities, undoubtedly, and consume a whole bunch of paper.

In times when even intelligence is going digital, why not make our networking digital and save on precious paper? That is where Linkcards comes in. With LinkCards, you can easily share your business card with people — be it friends, colleagues or even business associates, without the guilt of wasting paper. Send them your digital business card after creating and designing yours on LinkCards.

With the app — you also have all your contacts in one place, making it super easy to manage them. You’re not only saving the environment — but adding to your own productivity and efficacy as well!

