We can do this!

Saving Paper: Easier than you thought!

We really can do this, if we try. We at LinkCards believe so.

Linkcards App
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2017


Picture yourself stuffed into your bed and cushions, sipping on hot chocolate, reeling under blankets because of the winter, with your newly bought book, the smell and feel of turning each page complementing the hot chocolate’s warmth. Just as you turn your crisp page to find out whether the character you have fallen in love with asks his lady love out or no, you take a moment to brace yourself for the impact. Suddenly, the book disappears and in its place is a kindle opened to a page displaying mass destruction of forests and barren lands against once fertile plains.
How would that sudden change impact your concern for the environment?

With the increase in the number of people reading on their phones and kindle, paperbacks have become semblances of ancient manuscripts! But, amidst the whims and fancies of people who love the smell and feel of paper, we never realize the repercussions our actions have on the environment. You could survive without paper books but how would you survive without oxygen? With a population of over 8.5 billion people, we use way too much paper. From the newspapers that we read to the bags that we use, paper is anywhere and everywhere. It’s high time that we accepted our failings and started working towards a cleaner and greener habits, we owe it to our subsequent generations.

Keeping this context in mind, let’s explore ways to work towards a better tomorrow, shall we? As they say, a small change can go a long way, with the small changes that you make in your daily routine, you could have a great impact on the environment. If one man could carve a road through a mountain, saving paper and going green isn’t even a quarter of that difficulty level.
Let us not think that it is just the responsibility of institutions to save paper; but that we, as individuals, play a vital role as well. Let’s kick start this journey with a few tips to help use paper strategically.

  1. Use paper only when it is absolutely necessary. We are all glued to our phones and devices so why not put that to good use. Make use of electronic means as much as you can. You could even use your phone to take down notes and lists.
  2. Read books online. Trust us, it feels as good as reading paper books, and, you even feel environmentally responsible.
  3. Donate your old books and magazines. By doing this you can reduce the clutter in your homes and also ensure that the paper gets recycled.
  4. One of the easiest ways to save paper is by printing on both sides. So make sure you use both sides of the paper before disposing it.
  5. If you are someone who is obsessed with tissues, I know I am. We can switch to handkerchiefs, equally good and friendly on the environment as well.
  6. Today most of us swipe our debit or credit cards while shopping but do we actually need the receipt that comes along with it, especially since we get an SMS from the bank? I don’t think so, so the next time you shop, save that little amount of paper. One day it will make a big difference.

You may be a student, a professional or an entrepreneur, saving paper should always be on the back of your mind. It is necessary to turn to digital means to do the same. Business cards, for instance, are literal symbols of unnecessary paper wastage. You would question, “How is it useless when business cards help us network and grow our business?” But, if you get a digital alternative to carry out a physical card’s functions even more conveniently, you would agree to the aforementioned statement, wouldn’t you?

That is where Linkcards comes in. Be it friends, colleagues or even business associates, no longer do you need to worry about your paper usage. You can now digitally send them your business card and help each other save contacts and link them to various social media platforms.

