Social Relationships: Now a Corporate Necessity

Business relationships are increasingly social as well — in such a world, digital connectedness matters immensely!

Linkcards App
4 min readNov 26, 2017


Since the advent of human evolution, social relationships and fruitful communication are the survival necessities that human beings fed on to accelerate their development. Not for nothing is man called a social being! People play a pivotal role in our lives and act as catalysts for not only our personal growth but also our professional growth. Yes, you read that right! We are social beings first and professional beings later, but, that does not hide the correlation between the two! And LinkCards is a solution for times like these.

Living in times when the virtual world supersedes the real world, building connections with superficial jokes on people than people themselves, the corporate culture has been bearing the brunt of the lack of real-time networking. It is hard to maintain trust and connection, be it between people or parties. This article explores the dimension of the work that goes into building and sustaining our network of people, for not just the social, but, the corporate animal!

Personal relations and business relations are quite similar to each other, if not overlapping, and hence, mastering one field could help you excel in the other as well. This evidently shows how important it is to maintain a healthy approach to social interaction, even for the sake of professional progress. There are certain factors that need to be considered to enhance our social relationships for corporate good, as listed below:

  1. Always remember to greet people in your life so that they feel appreciated and welcome. The aim is to make people feel at ease with you. You could also choose to compliment someone on the attributes that they possess and this is bound to brighten their day.
  2. You could also improve your social skills by engaging in genuine and interactive conversations. Having a conversation with someone is always a two way process. It doesn’t matter if it is a serious or funny conversation, remember to actually be interested, and not just feign and ask relevant questions.
  3. More often than not people are too stubborn or arrogant to ask for advice. But this doesn’t necessarily need to be the norm. By seeking advice, you learn to communicate effectively and at the same time establish a level of trust and a bond with the other person.
  4. There are numerous ways in which one can explore the opportunities to network and build new connections, personal or professional, and, the most impactful of them is voluntary organizations. These organizations are perfect pockets of interest for people and complement the overall process of making people with common interests and passion come together and work for the greater good.

These are just a few factors that you could take into consideration, if you wish to achieve better and more effective social skills. Try to break out of your comfort zone, you may be surprised at how your life could change!

Reading this and knowing the general importance of socialisation, we would all like to enhance our interpersonal relationships some way or the other. Although we do consider social interaction and digital communication as antithetical, LinkCards is here to strike a middle ground.

Why worry about wasting money and paper on business cards when you can create and maintain your whole business network digitally?
If you own a business and are looking for a way to share your business details digitally but haven’t found the perfect platform, worry no more.

Linkcards is an app (available on Android); through which, you can easily create digital business cards. All you will need to do is enter your work email and your basic contact details and you can share your business cards with anyone that you require through the app. You could also make use of the 6-Digit Bucket ID of the recipient or share it through any other platform.

The app allows you to maintain a digital wallet that can store all business cards you receive. This digital card not only saves basic contact information, but also social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook etc.), making it easy for you to directly maintain your networks; and for you sharing the card to ensure they can find you online- if you wish to be found i.e.

Download the app now, and get 10x more efficient with managing your professional network!

