The Do’s and Don’ts of a Successful Pitch

Just how does one nail that pitch, then?

Linkcards App
3 min readDec 5, 2017


Of late, the term business pitch has become extremely common. But, do we clearly understand what this term means and how it is essential for entrepreneurs? In this article we will try to decipher what is a good pitch is and how essential it is for your business. You will also find a few tips here that will help your business pitch stand out from the rest.

Every business in the world aims to gather attention for their products and ideas. It doesn’t matter whether it is a well- established company or a start-up, the interest of the consumer needs to be piqued, a lack of which will result in a loss of business. And that, by jove — is no trivial task. You have to sell your ideas and thoughts and do that convincingly enough to drive action. From then on it’s a (slightly) simpler road to success.

A pitch is a culmination and an amalgamation of lots of ideas

Without further ado, here are a few simple yet super effective steps that can transform your pitch from just a good one, to a great one that drives action:

  1. Usually, when people create their pitch, they tend to spend a lot of time and effort on the content of the pitch and the words used, as a result of which, they don’t seem to focus on delivering the message of the pitch, which is what’s most important. The tone of your voice and your body language needs to show them that you are confident and that you believe in the idea you are communicating.
  2. You need to feel amazing when you are going to deliver your pitch. It is normal to feel worried and anxious, however, let this not affect the way in which you deliver your pitch. Do whatever you feel is needed to ensure that you have a positive mindset before getting into that room. Some people choose to exercise, while others dance or listen to music. Do what suits you best.
  3. Do you know where the success in sale lies? In empathy. You need to be aware of the wants and needs of your customers, the problems and challenges that they face, and how far your solution caters to those. This will help you help them and in turn help your business. Once you have a clear idea about what they need, this will help you formulate the right solution for them.
  4. You obviously love your product and its every facet, but, your customers don’t care about that. They only care about what the product can do for them. So instead of focusing on the features, focus on how it will help them.

These are just a few steps that you could incorporate to deliver a powerful and commanding pitch. Here’s to you nailing that next pitch — Godspeed!

As in most professional contexts, after delivering your pitch, you’ll want to leave them with your business card, to ensure they have your details to reach out when the time is right. We all have the fear that they’ll lose our cards and possibly be unable to reach us.
But worry no more, with Linkcards, no more fear.

With Linkcards, you can digitally send them your business cards and these cards will be safe in their digital wallets whenever they need to contact you. Linkcards is here to help your businesses flourish.

If pitching is the mastery of every business associate, ensuring your audience has your contact details, after that pitch, is ours!

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