Introducing: LINK Industry Partners

Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2019

Last updated on 2019–02–26

There has been some updates on the schedules of LINK Industry Partners Season 1. All the changes have been applied to the existing post.

The full details on the program can be found at as well.

We took our first step to achieve our mission to build a better LINK Ecosystem by launching LINK Prestige Club.

The step to building a better Token Economy that is reliable and sustainable, however, was just a beginning.

As announced before, we went over the glimpse of the advanced version of the Prestige Club by posting a preview.

And today we’re revealing everything that we’ve been preparing for the ‘LINK Industry Partners.’

LINK Industry Partners​

What is LINK Industry Partners?

The program is designed to engage with Partners who are willing to grow together with LINK, LINE’s blockchain project.

We will work together to co-accomplish the mass adoption of blockchain and further expand the presence of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. In return of their commitments, various and exclusive benefits will be provided.

Selection Criteria (Up to 10 Partners Selected)

  • Institutions or individuals with minimum of 100,000 LN holdings
  • Selected based on 1) Industry Presence (50%) and 2) Reputations (50%)​

* Application eligible for applicants with more than 100,000 LN at least for the last three days until (and including) the application deadline (April 28th UTC 00:00:00~April 30th UTC 23:59:59)

* Industry Presence and Reputations are to be evaluated by LINE’s ‘LINK Industry Partners Selection Committee’

Exclusive Benefits

  • 20% BTC bonus rewarded based on the balance of LN holdings
  • Business/Marketing/Technical Partnership Opportunities with LINE Blockchain
  • Partners displayed as “Industry Partners” on LINK’s official channels
  • LINK Private Newsletters

* LN price applied to the bonus calculation: Average LN price during the last seven days until (and including) the application deadline (April 28th UTC 00:00:00~April 30th UTC 23:59:59)

* LN balance counted for bonus calculation: Average LN holdings from application deadline date (2019 April 30th) to the last day of Industry Partners Season 1 at 2020 May 14th (Bonus applied to up to 500,000 LN)

* On BTC bonus: Partners selected for the final list can receive BTC reward once. Bonus eligibility not available for (a) duplicated account holders, (b) consecutive selection on LINK Industry Partners and/or LINK Prestige Club Season 1, and 2.

Duties for Partner Eligibility

1) Has to hold at least 100,000 LN for the entire period, including application period, and until the end of the Industry Partners Season 1

2) Must keep up with the following requirements of ‘Partners Committee’

  • Present to quarterly-held Industry Partners’ meetings
  • Participate in and complete the LINK Ecosystem Surveys (at least once per quarter)
  • Display ‘LINK Industry Partners’ on the official channel(s), and feature LINK for 3+ times on social media on a quarterly basis

* LN Holding period: from the last date of application period (April 30th) to the end of the Industry Partners Season 1 at 2020 May 14th

* LN holdings regularly snapshotted starting from the last date of the application period (April 30th UTC 23:59:59)


  • Application Period: 2019 February 26th UTC 00:00:00~2019 April 30th UTC 23:59:59
  • Final List Announcement: 2019 May 15th
  • Operation Period: 2019 May 15th~2020 May 14th (12 months)

Apply At

  • You can apply at ‘Notice’ found on LINK’s official website from February 26th (Notice will go live on 2019 February 26th)
  • Application Form: Here

​LINE has spent months to build the world’s popular blockchain platform and crypto asset, and we are pleased to announce our plans to approach to and further engage with the passionate first-movers in blockchain.

We are excited about seeing the differences we can create in the next couple of days, months and years. Join our mission by checking out our channels!

LINK: Blockchain, Designed for Mass Adoption

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