[Recap] LINK’s 1st-ever meetup with HASHED in Seoul

Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2019

But first, Let’s celebrate.

Just before the start of the meetup, we released AND encountered with pleasant news.

1. We revealed about the ‘one more news’ — Industry Partners Program,

2. and this.

Thanks to the providential surprises that pumped up the general mood of the Meetup, and everyone (almost 120 people showed up!) who attentively listened to what we’ve prepared, LINK Team could successfully host the first-ever Meetup held at #HASHED lounge. (Thanks for everything, #HASHED!)

The meetup lasted almost for 3 hours. And it was impressive how the audience stayed focused for the entire time, and did actually stayed until the last minute of the Meetup

.To remember and share the experience that we all enjoyed, we’d like to briefly go over what we discussed at the Meetup.


Matthew Lee, the leading force of LINK Project at LINE unblock presented how LINE jumped into blockchain and cryptocurrency business, and the pursuit of LINK Ecosystem. The general overview of LINE’s blockchain platform ‘LINK Chain’ and Token Economy based on ‘LINK,’ the general-purpose coin in LINE Token Economy was covered as well.

2. LINK’s Growth Potential and Value

Jason Lee, the Token Analyst at LINK Team presented LINK’s value as crypto-asset and its growth potential, and the supply-demand mechanism of LINK. The status quo and prospective value of LINK Token based on LINE’s infrastructure and user base was covered.

3. LINK’s Pioneer Programs

Woody Kim, the lead at LINK Tokenization introduced programs specifically designed to promote the growth of LINK Ecosystem, including the exclusive benefits, and the opportunities to take part as initial members of LINE blockchain ecosystem.

4. Fireside Chat with LINE & HASHED

Matthew from unblock and Simon from HASHED discussed the outlooks on current crypto market, and prospective plans of LINK and LINE Token Economy.

We appreciate everyone’s support and passion toward LINK!

We hope this Meetup was the real chance to ‘close the distance.’

See you again next time!

LINK: Blockchain, Designed for Mass Adoption

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· LINK on LINE@: https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40link.ecosystem

