10 Do’s for a Successful LinkedIn Marketing

Giuseppe Gurrieri
Linked Academy
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2020

LinkedIn Tips and Best Practices

LinkedIn Tips and Best Practices
image designed by Giuseppe Gurrieri

As you all know, LinkedIn is all about professionalism. It is the biggest social media platform that offers professionals, businesses, and thought leaders to connect.

But LinkedIn is not just a social media channel. It also plays a vital role in helping companies market their product/service to a high-end clientele that is educated and smart.

In other words, it wouldn’t be a lie if we tell you that LinkedIn is also a marketing platform designed for those who seek to market their brand to a top tier audience. And to make sure that all of the marketing efforts go not in vain, you have to know what to do to make your LinkedIn Marketing as successful as possible. This is why we have come up with 10 ‘must-haves’ for a successful LinkedIn Marketing that you should perform in any case.

So, without further ado; let’s get started:


Here is a list of 10 must-haves you should do to perform well on LinkedIn:

  1. Create a Quality Profile
  2. Do Some Personalization
  3. Perform Timely Management
  4. Go Public on LinkedIn
  5. Promote Using Smart Ads
  6. Connect and Respond
  7. Act Professional
  8. Use other Social Contacts
  9. Maintain Your Network
  10. Contribute to Your Audience


It goes without saying that quality always triumphs in quantity. And technically, it applies to LinkedIn as well. If you want to portray yourself as a creative, professional, and attractive business, you should create a profile that mirrors those traits.

Your profile should show your product/service that you want to market in the best possible way.

To do so, you have to create a profile that looks professional and feels like it. Ensure that your profile has content that provides a detailed introduction of what your business is about, in a tone that your audience understands and can sympathize with.

You also have to keep the profile updated to ensure that your audience knows what you’re doing. It can be an achievement, new product/service launch, meeting opportunities, etc.


Do you like getting automated messages on LinkedIn when you try to contact a business? Chances are, you don’t, and neither does your audience. Nobody wants to talk to a robot. This goes especially if you are a business that wants to attract the right kind of audience without making them hate you. To avoid that, you need to make sure that your message is warm and natural.

To do that, you have to create personalized messages whenever you are messaging the users on LinkedIn. Whether it’s sending connection requests or sending sponsored messages to let them know about your business, product, or service ‒ creating personalized messages is the way to go. It might seem counterproductive at first, but in the end, it’s worth the extra work.


Like any other social media platform, you have to make sure that you are managing your LinkedIn profile as professionally as possible, including posting relevant content at the right time. What we mean by the right time is when your audience is most likely on LinkedIn.

If you don’t post content regularly, chances are; your audience will not take an interest in you, and you would risk losing them as your connections, which is not a very good thing for marketing.


This is a no-brainer, but we wanted it to be on the list because we have seen many people forget that you have to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is live and public; otherwise, nobody ‒ except you ‒ will be able to view your profile. In layman’s terms, every work you do on LinkedIn will be for nothing if your LinkedIn profile is set on ‘Private Mode.’ Make sure that it’s not.


The five steps here demonstrate how to run a self-service ad campaign on LinkedIn


Responding to messages that you receive on LinkedIn is as important as responding to a call or email you receive from your potential clients. The reason is simple: your LinkedIn profile is one of many ways to help the audience connect to inquire about something.

There is a LinkedIn etiquette that prompts every marketer to treat LinkedIn messages as if they were emails. So, responding to those messages as quick as you can, is what we recommend.


We don’t have to tell you should do your LinkedIn Marketing, but pointing it out confirms why it is important to act like a professional. Being a professional Marketer doesn’t mean you have to be a boring representative of the company or portray your brand or firm’s formal tone. By professional LinkedIn Marketing, we suggest acting honest, humble, and generous when interacting with your audience.

If you want people to spread the right words about you, then be your best professional self.


We don’t have to tell you this but pointing it out confirms why it is important to act like a professional. Being professional doesn’t mean you have to be a boring representative of the company or portray your brand or firm’s formal tone. By professional, we suggest acting honest, humble, and generous when interacting with your audience.

If you want people to spread the right words about you, then be your best professional self.


We don’t have to tell you this but pointing it out confirms why it is important to act like a professional. Being professional doesn’t mean you have to be a boring representative of the company or portray your brand or firm’s formal tone. By professional, we suggest acting honest, humble, and generous when interacting with your audience.

If you want people to spread the right words about you, then be your best professional self.


There is a better way to gain the kind of audience you are looking for without spending thousands of dollars on ads. That’s through contributing thoughtful content to your audience by being available in relevant groups of your niche and sharing your thoughts with them.

You can also open up discussions to talk about a specific topic and let the voice of your audience astonish you with their thoughts and opinions. Not only will you get to know your audience’s mindset, but you will also build credibility and brand loyalty within a matter of weeks.


LinkedIn is surely one of the best social media platforms out there for marketing. But to utilize its full potential, you have to discipline yourself with the above must-dos. Without them, spending time on LinkedIn can prove to be unproductive and ineffective at generating leads.

That’s it.

We hope you loved this article. If you did, subscribe to our newsletter and keep in touch with the latest articles to help you succeed on LinkedIn like a professional.

Originally published at https://www.linked-assist.com on November 18, 2020.

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Giuseppe Gurrieri
Linked Academy

Passionate blogger deeply invested in LinkedIn marketing and automation. Guiding individuals and businesses to unleash the true potential of this platform.