6 Reasons High School Students Need LinkedIn

LinkedIn High School Students

Giuseppe Gurrieri
Linked Academy
4 min readFeb 15, 2021


LinkedIn High School Students
image designed by Giuseppe Gurrieri

One misconception that most people have in mind is that juniors (teenagers) need to first be out of college before joining LinkedIn.

I’m here to tell you that it isn’t true.

Take a minute and do some research on Google.

You will be surprised to find numerous articles that emanate from USA Today to Forbes to Teen Vogue, with them all emphasizing the benefits of LinkedIn for young adults.

So, the sooner you create one for your child, the better.

Now here is a fun fact: Since nearly a decade of the inception of LinkedIn, over 30 million students who are three years or less out of college have registered on the platform? Do some research on this, and you’ll be amazed.

This article will be looking at six reasons why high school students need to create a LinkedIn profile and its benefits.

LinkedIn for High School Students

1. Stand out from the crowd (school competition)

Research showed that about 9% of high school students use LinkedIn.

It means that those already registered to LinkedIn are a step ahead of their peers’ career-wise.

By the time these students get out of school, they must have gotten used to the platform and how it works.

They must have also built a few stable connections that could help them secure a job in future.

2. It set you up for career success

Take a second and think about think it; for you to make out time to craft a professional LinkedIn profile (even though you don’t have enough experience) will only cut across a potential boss that you’re serious about your future career in the workforce and not just socializing on social media.

He will likely get this feeling because he is well aware that LinkedIn is a unique social media channel meant for professional networking.

And for you to register as a young adult only shows that you are a forward thinker, and many bosses agree that the skill is transferable.

As a young adult, you also need to know that LinkedIn is equipped with over 2 million jobs and internships for students.

You can search for a specific field, school or company that you find interesting for a head start.

3. LinkedIn helps you control your online narrative

Since LinkedIn reduced its minimum age to sign up from 18 to 14 years, many high schools now have classes meant to educate students on making the most of LinkedIn.

It’s now up to parents and guardians of these kids to guide them through the process of getting acquainted with the platform.

On their part, LinkedIn has given these students the privileged to share their skills and areas of interest.

Something that they will be proud of sharing with colleges and prospective bosses.

4. The early birds catch the worms

As much as you can, start early to introduce your kids to the benefits of using LinkedIn.

Also, teach them how to start networking professionally.

And as a young adult, once you learn the basics, you can start connecting with people you know first-hand.

People like your favourite teachers, your mentors and team coaches.

That way, it will be easier for some of them to stay in touch with you, guide you through certain obstacles and follow your progress.

They may even assist you in writing better recommendations to support you.

5. For endorsements and recommendations

In case you’re engaged in an organization as a volunteer internship, try to get your boss or manager to write a compelling recommendation concerning a few things that you did well during your time of service to them.

It would be best if you do so early enough because endorsements take time to accumulate.

So the earlier you start, the better.

6. To put the icing on the cake (highlight awards)

As a student, if you take an interest in an academic club where you get to compete in debates, as you win awards in your school or other competitions, you can add it to the Honors & Awards category on LinkedIn.

Your potential employer would love to get a hand on such vital information.

Don’t forget to keep it up to date as you add more trophies to your collections.

We believe the juniors are the leaders of tomorrow.

Registering and teaching your kids early enough about the benefits of using LinkedIn is one sure way to give their career a healthy boost.

Rather than let them spend all day chatting and socializing online, teach them to build concrete networks and generate leads on LinkedIn.

They will thank you later for it.

Originally published at https://www.linked-assist.com on February 11, 2021.

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Giuseppe Gurrieri
Linked Academy

Passionate blogger deeply invested in LinkedIn marketing and automation. Guiding individuals and businesses to unleash the true potential of this platform.