How to send 2nd follow up message to those, who haven’t replied yet

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

One our user sent us the request:

I like this tool as it appears it sends out connection requests with a message but I want two additional things to happen afterwards.

1. For those who accept the connection an automatic thank-you message is sent to them

2. After 7-days if they do not reply then another follow-up message is sent to them.

>1. For those who accept the connection an automatic thank-you message is sent to them

“Message to recently added contacts” does exactly what you need.

This function sends a follow-up message to those who accepted your invitation.

It also checks if a contact replied to you with something, if so, “Message to recently added contacts” won’t send him or her your follow-up message.

>2. After 7 days if they do not reply then another follow-up message is sent to them.

Unfortunately, Linked Helper doesn’t have built-in functionality for this yet.

There are two workarounds:

1) Manually exclude, those who replied

1.1) Copy messaged contacts (“Processed Recipient” sub-list) from “Message to recently added contacts” to “Message to 1st connections” function

1.2) Open “View collected” in “Message to 1st connections” and manually exclude those who replied

2) The second workaround is to use “Message to recently added contacts” to send a message in 7 days

2.1) Create a new list in “Collect, Select & Invite 2nd & 3rd contacts” with name [original inviting campaign name]+”2nd follow up message”

2.2) Open list manager and copy contacts like shown on the screenshot

2.3) Go to “Message to recently added contacts” and choose the second list

2.4) Run auto-responder

Because “Message to recently added contacts” checks replies from a contact, it won’t send the 2nd follow up message to those, who already replied to your 1st follow up message.

