How to automatically invite your connections to follow your Company page in LinkedIn

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
Jun 18, 2019

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

Since recently, it has become possible to invite your 1st connections to follow your Company Page in LinkedIn:

In response to the new development, Linked Helper offers you a way to automate this process with its new Company Inviter feature.

You will find it under the 1st level features in the main menu of Linked Helper.

  1. Create a new list

2. Click “Collect contacts” and choose the source: My Connections Page or LinkedIn Search Page:

3. Proceed to the Invite tab, where you may adjust the default settings:

  • Invite per period: 50 (how many connections will be invited)
  • Hours between periods: 24 (that’s for how long the tool will sleep after having invited those 50)
  • Bunch size: 10 (how many contacts to pick at a time)

4. Open your Company Page and click “Start Inviting to current company”. Linked Helper will fill in contact names until it gets a bunch of 10 and clicks “Send invitations”:

The person you’ve invited will see this:

And the connections whom you invited will land in the ‘Invited’ sub-list in View Collected menu:

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