How To cancel (withdraw) all my sent pending invites (connection requests) in LinkedIn

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
May 12, 2017

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

In some cases, for example, when you have zero acceptance rate for your sent connection requests, LinkedIn Support Team suggest to withdraw all your pending sent invitations.

How to do this

  1. Chose function “My invites canceller”

2. Click “Go to sent invites page”

3. Choose “How many last sent invites should be kept”.

Set 0, if you want to cancel all of them.

If you set 200, then Linked Helper will cancel all oldest invites and leave only 200 newest:

4. Click “Cancel invites”

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