How to convert Sales Navigator contacts into normal LinkedIn contacts

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
Mar 1, 2018

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

Sometimes our users ask how to collect contacts from Sales Navigator, but send them messages from normal LinkedIn. By default Linked Helper sends messages from Sales Navigator, if contacts were collected from Sales Navigator.

The problem is contacts in Sales Navigator have different identifiers, than contacts collected from normal LinkedIn:

Sales Navigator:,sSHS,name

Normal LinkedIn:

“Profiles Extractor” can convert contacts from Sales Navigator format to normal LinkedIn format. (How to use Profiles Extractor)

As result of “Profiles Extractor” work you will have:

  1. CSV file with profile from normal LinkedIn
  2. contact in “Extracted” sub-list of “Profiles Extractor” list converted into normal LinkedIn format.

You can upload CSV file into any other LH function

Or you can use “List manager”

  1. Choose as Source: function: “Profiles Extractor”, list: {your list}, sub-list : Extracted
  2. Choose as Target: function, which you want to use in normal LinkedIn. For example “Message to 1st connections”, list: {your campaign}, sub-list: Queue
  3. Click “Add (excluding contacts from all target sub-lists)” button


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