How to tailor your message by gender of the recipient?

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2019

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

Some languages require gender-specific greetings for men and women. Like Madame and Monsieur in French. Although LinkedIn doesn’t show gender on the page, we can work around this using just 3 things:

  • Name Index — a spreadsheet consisting of 2 columns: name and gender-relevant prefix. This table, once created, can be saved and used for all your campaigns where you need to customize the message based on the gender;
  • Custom fields — this Linked Helper functionality allows you to create and add your own custom field besides most commonly used first_name, last_name, company, position. Using this tutorial, we will create a “gender” variable
  • The power of Excel and a little bit of time 🙂

Ideally, what we want to achieve in our list is having each message with Madame or Monsieur prefix based on the gender or the recipient:

Off we go!

  1. Name Index. You can try to find one on the web or build your own. By googling “prénoms français csv” we get a full list of French names in csv. This file needs to build matches between a name and a relevant prefix

2. Custom fields. Let’s proceed to creating a “gender” custom field.

2.1. Collect contacts from the LinkedIn Search Page to Linked Helper:

2.2. Download all your recipients into a csv file: go to View Collected, then click Select all and Download selected.

2.3. After downloading a CSV file, open it in Excel using the tutorial below:

Keep only C, D, E columns

Of all these data we will keep only Profile url, First name and Last name(columns C, D, E) and delete other columns.

2.4. Add the 4th column “cs_greeting”. Make sure this column’s heading begins with cs_, as this will allow Linked Helper to recognize it as a new variable.

2.4. In a separate sheet of this csv file paste your Name Index table.

2.5. Now let’s start filling in our cs_greeting field using VLOOKUP, an Excel function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific column in table. It will help us to insert the correct greeting automatically:

By dragging down the formula you will copy it into the whole cell range and see that the correct greetings have been pasted for each name. Go through your list carefully to check any errors or incorrect matches. You can manually correct them.

2.6.1. Save your Excel file with “cs_greeting” variable as CSV and upload it to Linked Helper by clicking “Upload Custom Fields” button in the “View collected” list:

After clicking “Save” button you will see what greeting will be used in the message for each contact:

3. Now we can close “View collected” list and go to the “Message” tab to set up a message with the newly created variable:

As you would see in the preview by clicking Show Message, the message that goes out contains the correct greeting

You can find the Name Index (Prenoms) csv and the Custom variable Excel files here:

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