LH can’t collect likers or commentators

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
Apr 28, 2018

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here https://www.linkedhelper.com/

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here https://linkedhelper.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

Please try:
1) copy link to a post

2) open a post in separate Chrome tab
3) do not open likers list manually!!!
4) click “Add Likers to LH” or “Add commentators to LH”

Try to collect into “Profiles Extractor”.

If it doesn’t work, please save a whole page:

1) Make right click at any point of the page

2) Choose “Save as”

3) It will save a HTML file and a folder with the same name as the html file

4) ZIP them and send me

