Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2020


Linked Helper 2 integration with Zapier webhooks

  1. Go to Zapier using this link and create a new Zap

2. Find Linked Helper 2 application, select it and press ‘Continue’

3. Click the 'Sign in' button and login with your Linked Helper account. Then press continue. If you have 401 error, then probably the user with this email does not exist in Linked Helper or the password is wrong.

4. Then you can set an initial name for this Zapier trigger and select a LinkedIn account if you want to use this Zapier integration only with that account. It’s better to set a meaningful name for identifying it later, but you can change that field later in Linked Helper app.

5. Press ‘Test trigger’ button and then ‘Continue’

Note: check Tip #1: Sending Custom Fields / Variables to Zapier at the bottom fo this article if you want to send custom fields as well.

6. Finish your Zap configuration and publish it. Only when your Zap is published, it sends data to Linked Helper server.

7. Now you should see your Zapier webhook in Zapier tab of Linked Helper launcher. You can change its name, assign it to another LinkedIn account, or make it unassigned (can be used by all LinkedIn accounts). You can filter only subscribed or unsubscribed triggers (trigger is marked as ‘unsubscribed’ when your Zap’s trigger is off).

8. Then you can add new action ‘SendPersonToZapier’ and select previously created Zapier webhook from the dropdown list. Press ‘Save’

Tip #1: Sending Custom Fields / Variables to Zapier

As Linked Helper 2 allows you to upload or set custom fields to profiles to use them in your message templates, you may want to send them through Zapier as well.

The problem is that Zapier doesn’t show them in the data sample when you set up your Zap:

The workaround is simple: you just need double curly brackets.


Zapier will change it to:

Don’t worry that Zapier shows “No data” for such variables. When you send data via LH2, you will receive custom variables at your target destination (CRM, Google Spreadsheet, …).

