What kind of limits should I use?

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2017

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here https://www.linkedhelper.com/

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here https://linkedhelper.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

If your LinkedIn account is older than one year, you can use these limits:

1) Invitations / connection requests —100 / day

2) Messages to 1st connections — 150 / day

3) Messages to group members — 15 / month per all LinkedIn groups


4) Endorsements — 60 /day

5) Profile Extractor — 150 / day

6) Profile Auto-Visiting —150 / day

7) Profile Auto-Follower — 150 / day

8) Collect from search (for inviting, messaging, exports or auto-visiting) — 2000 contacts / day

This limits have been tested on a free account, which was older than one year.

It’s not recommended to run multiple features simultaneously or at the same day!

It will be better to split your activity by days:

  1. Monday : 100 invites
  2. Tuesday : 150 messages
  3. Wednesday : 60 endorsements

Remember that the term “activity per account” is the sum of all actions you do on LinkedIn both via Linked Helper or manually. So if you absolutely need to use several functions on the same day, consider adjusting the daily limit for each of the functions to even a lower number. As long as those limits collectively do not exceed 100–150 actions, you may go ahead with it.

Some possible daily scenarios of Linked Helper use may be:

  1. Invitations — 50, messages — 50, profile auto-views — 30;
  2. Invitations — 30, profile extractions — 50, message to recently added in the background (depends on your acceptance rate, but usually amounts to 20–50 messages);

Note: The above doesn’t mean though, that if you do action #151(send 151st message or invitation, etc) it will necessarily lead to problems with your account. We are giving you numbers which we established through feedback and experiments.

Also consider to use safe timeouts or something between fast and slow, especially if you don’t have Sales Navigator subscription:

Yes, safe timeouts are slower, but you do your other work while LH is working:

BUT! We can’t guarantee that LinkedIn will not block you, even if you follow these recommendations. It’s just our huge experience!

For new accounts even 100 invites / day are too much! Our recommendation is only 10–25 invites per 24 hours. You can increase up to 35 in a month and then increase up to 60 in another month.

Also it is important to have no more than 1500 sent pending invitations https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/invitation-manager/sent/

Use “My invites canceller” to avoid problems:

Download Linked Helper — LinkedIn Automation tool from our website

Write me your questions & ideas : info@linkedhelper.com

Check our web-site : http://linkedhelper.com/

