Why is my campaign shown as sleeping? When will it start?

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
7 min readMay 7, 2020

The general rule goes “A campaign goes to sleep when there is nothing to execute at the moment according to the settings”.

If you hover over the pause sign, a pop-up will show when it is due to resume.

Down below is the list of the most common issue related to the stoppage of your campaign and how to fix them:

  1. Have you reached the Maximum Daily Actions limit?

Settings => Limits => Max actions per 24 hours

This setting guards your LinkedIn account security. It prevents you from doing too much activity on your LinkedIn account.

You have a choice to wait until the next daily limit opens. Or you can raise this number — all campaigns will kick off immediately or after you click “Start campaigns runner”. We don’t recommend exceeding daily limits too often, but occasionally, if you need to send just 5 more invites and you can’t do it because of the daily actions cap — why not?

Active campaigns will go to sleep mode after hitting the Maximum actions per 24 hours limit

2. Are you out of working hours?

All running campaigns, when they reach the range of hours marked as non-working, will go to sleep mode. To change that, go to Settings => Limits => find the restriction and hit ‘Trash bin’ to remove it or change ‘Do not work’ to ‘24 hours’ mode.

If none of the above is the reason, check your Campaign’s time-outs.

3. Are all your Actions paused due to time-out?

All your current campaign’s actions or part of them can be paused because of the following reasons:

  • Due to time-out between iterations:
  • You have manually changed the ‘Start at’ date to postpone the action:
  • Action has built-in integration with snov.io and was postponed because you’re out of credits:
  • Or were limited by snov.io due to simultaneous access from several accounts via one IP address:

The actions that have Snov.io integration are: Invite person by email, Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts, Visit & Extract profiles.

If your Workflow has a sequence of three actions, and Action 3, let’s say, goes to sleep due to time-out, other action(s) with profiles in queue will take on. This will not yet put the whole Campaign to sleep. However, if Action 1, Action 2 and Action 3 are all in time-out state, the Campaign goes to sleep as there’s no action to execute for the time being.

Perhaps, at some point in the past, you postponed the ‘Start at’ date.

In either case, check actions with non-empty queue(s). They will have a future ‘Start at’ date. If you must start the campaign immediately, you need to manually change “Start at” date.

4. Have you reached the weekly invitation limit?

Some of our most active users recently started to notice the following pop-up message, upon executing about 100 invites.

According to multiple LinkedIn-related sources, as well as to official LinkedIn representatives, a new invitation cap — 100 per week, will be soon placed on every single LinkedIn profile. Take a look.

There is absolutely nothing to worry about here. This is not a warning, nor you are going to get banned. This is just another LinkedIn attempt aimed to control abusers, reduce spam and maintain their professional reputation.

When this popup is shown, Linked Helper postpones the Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts action for three hours. Other actions can still run, but if your campaign is meant for inviting only, this LinkedIn limitation may cause it to be paused.

In this case, if you hit the limit, the only thing to do is to wait till the next week as it is not possible to get more credits even if you have a paid subscription or you have withdrawn sent pending invitations or some of them were accepted.


We know how seriously this can affect your workflow, that’s why we already developed and released Invite person by email action that provides you with a workaround: you still can invite people by importing their emails directly into LinkedIn even if the weekly invitation limit is reached.

Create and set up a campaign as per this article: How to invite person by email when weekly invitation limit is reached.

5. Does Linked Helper have profiles to process?

Open your Campaign Workflow and check whether other Actions apart from Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) and Check for replies actions, if you have them in the Workflow, have profiles to process.

Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) action does not move all profiles from the Queue to Successful list but only those who have accepted your initiation and become a 1st-degree connection, the rest will be kept in the Queue until the invitation is accepted.

A similar case can happen with the Check for replies action provided that the “If no replies are found, move the contact to Successful list” option set to “Never” (it is enabled by default). With this option enabled, Linked Helper will keep profiles in the Queue until they reply and will never move them into a Successful list. If a profile replies, it is moved to Replied list and for him, the workflow is over, otherwise, the profile will be kept in the Queue.

Let’s imaging you have a simple campaign made from the “Invite & follow up” template that consists of four Actions:

  1. Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts
  2. Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only)
  3. Message to 1st connections | Group members
  4. Check for replies

If Queues of Action #1 and #3 are empty, but Action #2 has profiles to process, then Linked Helper simply checks whether any profile has accepted your invitation every 60 minutes and if not, goes to sleeping state as no profiles are moved to the Message to 1st connections | Group members, and the first Action Queue is empty as well.

The same situation is with the Check for replies action: even though there are profiles in the Queue, they won’t be moved to the Successful list and to the next Action (if there are any of them further down the Workflow) with the “Never” option enabled. Linked Helper will simply be checking for replies every 6 hours or so, depending on the Action settings.


In a case with Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) action, all you need to do is to feed your campaign with new profiles, since you won’t be able to make your 2nd or 3rd connections who are in the Queue of Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) to accept your invitation.

In a case with Check for replies action, the solution depends on what your goal is: if there is no follow-up message after Check for replies action and you’re not planning to add one, then you leave everything as it is and maybe add some profiles into the first Action Queue. If there are other follow-ups that should be sent after Check for replies action (in three days, for example), then you need to uncheck the “Never” option, set the delay to three days, and add follow-up Actions if needed.

6. Are you out of Advanced limits?

Advanced limits allow you to limit certain types of activities of your LinkedIn account, such as endorsing, inviting, messaging, etc. They are not enabled by default, but if you changed them then you definitely should check that you are still within the limits.

For example, it could happen that your campaign contains only one action — Profiles Auto-Follower — and previously you limited that activity to a certain number of actions per hour, hence the campaign goes to a sleeping state even though there are free action slots in the Maximum Daily Actions limit:

