Synthetic Data and AI-created art

3 min readNov 11, 2022


Deval Shah

Today, AI is impacting different aspects of our lives but did we anticipate the same for art — one of the most expressive forms of human emotion? AI generated art and many such applications have been possible due to the high quality synthetic data that’s been generated as well, using AI systems.

The foundations of Synthetic Data Generation has opened doors to various applications such as AI art generators, where a user gives a text prompt to direct the neural network that creates the art piece.

The lifeblood of modern artificial intelligence is data. However, due to increasingly stringent privacy restrictions, timely data availability is crucial to the AI model development process.

The most critical and challenging aspect of developing powerful AI is gathering the necessary data. Quality data collection in the actual world is complex, expensive, and time-consuming. This is where synthetic data comes in.

Synthetic data is artificially generated information that can be used in place of accurate historical data to train AI models when actual data sets lack quality, volume, or variety.

Companies may get training data significantly more rapidly and cheaply using synthetic data generation technologies than the alternative — laboriously collecting such data from the actual world. Consider how much easier it is to make 100,000 photographs of smartphones on a production line than it is to collect those images in the real world one by one.

Furthermore, real-world image data must be manually tagged before being utilized for training AI models — a costly, time-consuming, and error-prone procedure. One significant advantage of synthetic data generation is that no manual data labeling is required. Because the photographs are created digitally from scratch, they are automatically labeled as “pixel-perfect.”

Artificial intelligence (AI) is having an impact on fields other than business and healthcare. It also influences the creative industry by ushering in a new era of AI-generated art. AI technology and techniques are frequently available to anyone, assisting in creating a whole new generation of artists.

AI-created art is increasingly used in various fields, including advertising, architecture, fashion, and film industry. AI algorithms are utilized to create realistic graphics and animations. Artificial intelligence-generated art is being used to create new musical and literary forms.

The “Artificial Natural History” (2020), an ongoing project studying speculative, artificial life through the lens of what author Sofia Crespo refers to as “artificial natural history,” is an intriguing example of the present AI used to create art.

AI-generated specimens in Artificial Natural History

Most recent AI-generated art approaches have experimented with picture data, producing realistic images and sketches.

DALLE 2 is a breakthrough deep learning-based ai art generator from text that can generate original, realistic visuals and art from natural language descriptions (text).

OpenAI developed and released DALLE-2 in January 2021. DALLE 2 has the capability to alter existing photos and produce variations of input images while keeping their distinguishing characteristics.

Image generated using text ‘A Raphael painting of a Madonna and a child eating pizza’

The capability of AI as an artist has grown dramatically in recent decades, from making hyper-realistic photographs to writing films. Aside from ethical considerations, there are certain worries about the creation of AI-generated art, such as the lack of individualization that normally identifies artists with their art. As a result, there is minimal concern about replacing traditional art created by actual humans.

The potential of AI-generated art is yet uncertain, but current AI technology is capable of producing images, movies, or text that can trick us, humans. As a result, the potential of AI art is both fascinating and terrifying.

Deval Shah

