Lead Generation With Linkedin leads.

LinkedIn Leads
Linkedin Leads
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2018
Linkedinleads is a one stop solution for generating verified Linkedinleads. Its a Networking leads Generation Company. Its a Marketing company for generating b2b leads. We find CEOs and decision makers on Linkedin

3 Amazing LinkedIn Lead Generation Stages You Need to Nurture

1. Initial (Introduction): people visit your website as unknowns, with lots of queries and questions, some have relevant knowledge of what you do, some really don’t know about the services you provide, the aim should be converting UNKNOWNS to KNOWNS by assisting them properly, handling all the questions with perfection, you need to tell them how leads help them reach to the exact clients who fall in their target market.
No visitor should go unsatisfied, he should be cleared all the questions with proper answers and solutions for the problems he has.

2.Middle ( Conversation): The second stage is based upon creating an urge in the prospect to opt for service, using proper motivational and communicational skills, in this stage he is convinced to subscribe for service , he should be conveyed that how the services you offer are going to help him solve his sales/marketing/promotional problems .
.Discounts, Benefits, Add-ons, should be shown, anything extra apart from actual purchase should be always there, supporting your sales pitch .Sharing nice content of your business expresses significance of your services, makes him understand better the need to purchase and makes your job easy for conversion.

3. Final (Sales Stage) — The last stage (the Actual purchase stage) is the stage where the client finally after long successful conversion says YESS to the offerings .This stage is called as
“Marketing to Sales “Stage. All the terms and conditions relating service should be told as well
payments, Duration, Delivery, after sale service, all such terms should be cleared right in this stage to avoid future conflicts.

All these three stages are significant, should go on in exact series for perfect Nurturing of leads and successful sales . Each stage takes client nearer to the sales stage, make sure each stage goes perfect following the prior stage .Nurturing is a psychological processes, a prospect is psychologically influenced and induced to opt for services offered.



LinkedIn Leads
Linkedin Leads

Linkedinleads is a one stop solution for all your Digital Marketing problems, with Linkedinleads you get everything under one roof about Digital Marketing