How do people on LinkedIn use Linkelead? Practical cases

Linkelead. Lead generation tool for LinkedIn
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2018

People from all over the world use Linkelead every day to make their sales process on LinkedIn more effective and less time-consuming. Previously, we had described how it works. Here, take a look!

Have you ever wondered where do people value automatization the most? We had. So we digged into our company’s data to find out the answer.

TOP Linkelead users by countries

It seems that USA, India and France tend to use Linkelead for sales growth and work automatization the most. Way to go, guys! It is only a matter of time until the rest of the world catches up.

TOP functions LinkeLead users utilize

Generally, customers use Linkelead to boost lead generation, grow sales and widen network of contacts on LinkedIn. With its help, companies can replace a whole team performing repetitive tasks with a single bot.

What do people in different industries actually do with Linkelead? Let’s take a look.

IT development

IT developers use Linkelead mostly to find new freelance job opportunities in software, web or app development. Using our tool, they automatically connect with potential employers on LinkedIn, while the personalised follow-up message lets them quickly introduce themselves.

Business development

Business developers are involved in a whole lot of processes on LinkedIn: from recruiting employees to sales management. It is a common thing is small companies and young startups. We offer them a timesaving solution — lead generation and sales automatization.


It is easy for recruiters to get lost in the excess of profiles on LinkedIn in attempt to find a perfect candidate for the role. Moreover, they can spend hours trying to connect. That was until Linkelead came to the rescue.

Linkelead uses Sales Navigator to list down users who meet certain requirements. After that, recruiters automatically send connection invitations to hundreds of people using our tool.

CEO and Founders

Top managers and business owners use LinkedIn to establish new partnerships, find investors,present their company, and on top of all this — to grow. Our bot saves their precious time, performing the routine tasks like sending connection invitations and follow-up messages.


The more leads you get the more sales you make. That’s the rule. Sales managers use Linkelead to boost lead generation. What our bot does automatically in few second they would’ve been doing for hours.


It doesn’t really matter what your specialty is — anyone can benefit more from LinkedIn with help of Linkelead. Here’s how. So what are you waiting for?



Linkelead. Lead generation tool for LinkedIn

Linkelead is new automatic lead generation software which helps you grow sales volumes through Linkedin Sales Navigator #LeadGeneration #SocialSeling #Linkelead