5 point bulletproof guide for Amazon sellers

Marta Michałowska
Linker Cloud


A sales curiosity: data shows that by May last year, more than 60% of online product searches… began on Amazon. Other figures follow: more than 200 million people have an Amazon Prime subscription.

This means that the marketplace will not follow in the footsteps of Shopee and disappear from the marketplace; on the contrary, it will strengthen its position and build on its success.

Let us not hide the rally: Amazon is not only about benefits, but also… huge sales competition. In order to be successful, you need to learn the rules of the platform and adapt to its rules. Only by knowing these rules will you be able not only to play the game — but also to win.

Therefore, in today’s article, we present a list of effective Amazon bullet points that will allow you to become successful!

Bullet Point #1: keyword stuffing

To say that keyword relevance on Amazon is key is an understatement. Building content around SEO is definitely a good way to achieve long-term success. In this way, you can drive viewers to your products — and ensure that you are also high up in the marketplace listings.

Amazon is even betting on something more in this area — creating a dedicated A9 algorithm, which has a huge impact on search rankings. In a nutshell, its implementation meant that products do not appear on the listings according to the time of implementation, but according to the degree of compliance with strictly defined criteria, such as:

  • price, which must not differ significantly from the prices of other similar items;
  • inventory, or rather the lack of it — if something has sold out, this burden will also affect the listing position;
  • sales history — the more you sell, the higher up the listings you will appear;
  • and finally… the aforementioned keywords, which should appear not only in the title and description.

And it is this last issue that we will try to look at a little more closely in this paragraph.

To begin with, let us start with Captain Obvious for the Rescue, but let us realize why the title is so important: if your customers are looking for Italian coffee, they do not want it to appear in the product listings with, for example, Chinese tea.

As you can see from the attached graphic, however, not all search results relate to the Italian coffee in question. What could this mean? It could be that the product descriptions include the phrase as a backend keyword. This is why it is so important to focus on keyword optimization. The best sellers on this marketplace focus on every detail — which we discuss below:

  1. Product title: ideally include brand name, product line, key features, material, colour, or size.
  2. Great bullet points related to important features: have a direct impact on the Amazon SERP — thanks to their influence on conversion rate and product relevance. They make it easier to provide direct benefits for your product and the keywords used are indexed in the A9 algorithm. Furthermore, the use of bullets also allows the description to fit more easily into the description’s limited space.
  3. Images: posting good-quality photos affect A9 data — they are undoubtedly the first thing that catches the eye of the visitors themselves, and as we know, a good impression can only be made once.

Bullet Point #2: Amazon brand registry

If you do your sales job well and have nice products — the willingness to buy something else from the range you offer and thus the great opportunity for cross-selling increases.

In this case, it is worth betting on the so-called Amazon Brand Registry. It is a feature that makes it easier for retailers to make a living — and to gain a higher ranking than other brands selling similar products.

What’s more, using this option allows you to protect your brand’s intellectual property — such as trademarks, copywriting descriptions or the ability to claim patent violets.

Bullet Point #3: create impressive listings to be ahead of competitors

The listing should in fact be as detailed product information and key product features as possible. However, this does not mean that what you are aiming for is… a wall of text. This form of presentation can actually work against you and discourage potential buyers from buying from you. Remember, too, that the character limit exists for a reason — so use it wisely for product merit.

It is therefore a good idea to rely on writing bullet points, which are much more user-friendly and visually scanning information about your offer. A good example of the use of optimized bullet points is the description of the smartwatch below — further enriched by the use of the capital letter, which further captures the attention of the recipient.

Bullet Point #4: run sponsored ads

Promoting products in the search results, needless to say, is most effective with… Amazon Sponsored Product Ads.

For starters, bet on automatic targeting. An exhaustive number of keywords will be useful for this purpose. Over time, you will be able to observe which of these work best, in order to optimize your manual campaigns and even single bullet point as well.

What’s more, sponsored ads offer a really wide range of possibilities, so that everyone will find something good for themselves. Research conducted by Joungle Scout company indicates that appealing Amazon ad types are:

1. Sponsored Products ads in the search result
2. Sponsored Products ads recommended on the product listing page
3. Sponsored Display ads
4. Sponsored Brands’ video
5. Sponsored Brands ads

Bullet Point #5: gather feedback and collect customer reviews

Social proof on the internet is critical. Collect positive feedback from satisfied customers — nothing will convince other buyers to buy from you more than the satisfaction of other buyers.

You can also automate this process directly on the marketplace itself — among other things, with the option of star ratings after a purchase has been made. Simply add them to the seller’s account — and watch the shop’s credibility increase.

Interestingly, Amazon also shows how many people found the feedback helpful, thus encouraging sellers to continue to fight for more ratings.

Final thoughts on becoming the best Amazon seller

A recipe for success? A good offer and… a lot of self-denial for optimization. Highlight your key product features, use effective Amazon bullet points, and don’t exceed the character limit. Improve your product listings and add bullet points to offer descriptions.

Use keyword stuffing as your ace in the business growth sleeve. Be up to date with Amazon’s guidelines. I know it’s really a lot of factors to manage — but the fight for customers, for the growing purchase number, and staying ahead of competitors is a hard job, definitely worth its’ price.

Selling is a process — so take your time, do your bets and watch how the purchase number and value are growing.

Originally published at https://linkercloud.com on January 31, 2023.



Marta Michałowska
Linker Cloud

An experienced marketing manager with a passion for creating an engaging digital knowledge pieces. An educational content human and Warsaw University lecturer.