Link Privacy Settings on Linkist

Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2019
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Sometimes you want to keep your links on private to just you, share it with just a few people, or make it available to anyone in the world.

By default, links and collections you create in Linkist inherit privacy settings from their parent Links or Collections. If they do not have a parent then by default, all links and collections are private unless set otherwise at creation.

Private Links and Collections

When a link or collection is set as private, only the owner can view it. However, the owner can decide to allow other users to view it even while keeping it private.
A private applet can be restricted to users with email addresses from a particular email domain or restricted to a few users by username. When you enter a valid username the add button will be enabled and once clicked you’ll see the users full name.

Be careful when creating links involving personal information that you don’t want to be made public like phone numbers or email addresses. Best practice is to mark them as private before you create them.

