Are All Hackers Bad?

An Introduction to the Types of Hackers

Samadhi Jayawardena
4 min readJun 6, 2020


Photo by Nahel Abdul Hadi on Unsplash

Hi guys. I would like to warmly welcome all of you to my article. So today I am going to talk about something different.

HACKERS. What does get into your mind when you see this word or hear this word. Most of you will have an image on your mind, somewhat like a scary looking person wearing a hoodie in a dark place with a lot of computers in front of him coding, coding…

Some of you will think of those bad guys who do nasty things on the internet. Yeah, I am sure most of you will have ideas like this. But think for a while. ARE ALL HACKERS THAT BAD??? What if I say that NOOO…THERE ARE EVEN GOOD HACKERS… Will you trust me? Yeah, you have to trust me because there are even good hackers in this world. So today I am going to talk about hackers. So by the end of this article, you will understand that hackers are not that bad as we think.

Photo by Michael Geiger on Unsplash

First of all, let me define the word HACKER. According to Wikipedia, a computer hacker is any skilled computer expert who uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem. Cambridge dictionary has defined hacker as someone who gets into other people’s computer systems without permission to find out information or to do something illegal.

So this hacker word generally has a pretty negative feeling. Even I thought that hacker is a very bad person. But you know what there are different types of hackers. There are mainly three types of hackers as Black Hat Hacker, Grey Hat Hacker, and White Hack Hacker. Well well, now I will talk about each of these types in brief so I can give you a better understanding of hackers.

Black Hat Hacker

Simply black hat hacker is the worst one. Black hat hackers have evil intentions and they try to find security breaches and gain access to systems without permission. So this type of hacker is the one which we have in our imagination. These guys use their technical knowledge to steal money, block systems, gain access to unauthorized materials, and some hackers even destroy data. Some black hat hackers just hack systems to gain popularity. Insane right? So those guys hack popular organizations’ websites to be famous. Dark Dante, Mafia boy are some of the most famous black hat hackers.

Grey Hat Hacker

So now this grey hat hacker is quite good. Not that much, I mean a little bit better than black hat hackers. Grey hat hackers are also illegal and they gain access to systems without permission. But they do not have any malicious intentions like black hat hackers. Sometimes they hack into a system and the aware public about the vulnerabilities that the system has. Quite a good intention right? Some of them find vulnerabilities in a system and inform the vendor about it and offer to repair it for a price. Even though these grey hat hackers violate the rules and laws they do it only to research and improve security. Grey hat hacker is a mix of white-hat hackers and a black hat hacker.

White Hat Hacker

Here we come to the most interesting part. This white hat hacker is a very good guy. In other words, we can call these hackers as ethical hackers. Many well-recognized organizations like Facebook. Google hire this type of hackers to improve their security. Have you ever imagined that those companies hire hackers?? If I say that white hat hacker is a savior it is not a lie. So what these white hackers do is hack a system with permission to find if there are any vulnerabilities. They use the same methods as black hat hackers but the difference is they have permission. These types of hackers have limited access to the system. So simply these white hat hackers have good intentions. These types of hackers are hired by companies and those companies use the information given by white hat hackers to take necessary steps to improve the system security in their organization.

So I think now you have clear your misunderstanding about hackers. Not all hackers are as bad as we think. You can also start your career as an ethical hacker. Stay tuned for more interesting articles like this.

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