Demystifying Deployment: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Your MERN Stack App on Render

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6 min readSep 8, 2023

Deploying Your MERN Stack App on Render: A Step-by-Step Guide to Cost-Free Hosting

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Nowadays, the MERN stack is rapidly gaining popularity, and deploying MERN projects has become essential. In this blog, I will guide you on how to deploy your MERN projects for free using

I have divided the content into sections.

  • Database Setup
  • Preparing Your App for Deployment
  • Backend Deployment on Render
  • Frontend Deployment on Render

Database Setup

We are utilizing MongoDB Atlas for this purpose.

1. Click on Todo.

At this point, you’ll need to create a new project.

Click on Todo

2. Click on New Project.

Click on New Project.

3. Type “Deploy”.

Here, assign a name of your choice to the project.

Type “Deploy”

4. Click on Create Project.

Click on Create Project

5. Click on Create.

Click on Create

6. Select M0…

Select M0

7. Click on Create.

Click on Create

8. Copy the username and password.

Copy user name and password

9. Click on Create User.

Click on Create User

10. Type “for all IP”.

Setting MongoDB to use “” as its IP address enables it to be accessed from any device.

Type “for all IP”

11. Click on Add Entry.

Click on Add Entry

12. Click on Finish and Close.

Click on Finish and Close

13. Click on Go to Overview.

Click on Go to Overview

Up to this point, we have created the database. Now, let’s move on to the next step

Preparing Your App for Deployment

At this juncture, I’m assuming that you possess a file structure resembling the following:

File structure

Next, you’ll need to create a package.json file with the following content:

"name": "todo-mern",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"install-server": "cd Server && npm install",
"start-server": "cd Server && node index.js",
"install-client": "cd client && npm install",
"build-client": "cd client && npm run build",
"start-client": "cd client && npm run start"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"

Include these lines in your package.json file.

“install-server”: “cd Server && npm install”

This script installs the necessary tools for your backend (server). It moves to the “Server” folder and runs the command to install all required components.

“start-server”: “cd Server && node index.js”

This script starts your backend server. It goes to the “Server” folder and launches the server using the “index.js” file.

“install-client”: “cd client && npm install”

This script installs what you need for your front end. It switches to the “client” folder and installs everything listed in the package file.

“build-client”: “cd client && npm run build”

This script builds your front end for deployment. It enters the “client” folder and creates an optimized version of your app that’s ready to go live.

“start-client”: “cd client && npm run start”

This script kicks off your front-end development server. It enters the “client” folder and starts a server for you to work on your app locally.

Upon completing these steps, you can proceed to for the backend configuration.

Backend Deployment on Render

1. Click on New.

Click on New

2. Click on Web Service.

Click on Web Service

4. Click on Connect.

At this stage, you should connect the repository that you intend to deploy.

Click on Connect

5. Type “todo-medium-BE”.

Provide a name for the backend web service in this field.

Type “todo-medium-BE”

6. Type “npm run install-server”.

Type “npm run install-server”

7. Type “npm run start-server”.

Type “npm run start-server”

8. Click on Advanced.

Click on Advanced

9. Add Environment Variable.

Add Environment Variable
Add Environment Variable

10. Add Environment value here.

Add Environment value

11. Click on Create Web Service.

Click on Create Web Service

Next, you’ll obtain the link for your backend

1. Click on todo-medium-BE.

Click on todo-medium-BE

2. Click on Copy.

Click on Copy

Frontend Deployment on Render

1. Click on New.

Click on New

2. Click on Static Site.

Click on Static Site

3. Click on Connect the repo.

Click on Connect the repo

4. Type “todo-medium-FE”.

Provide a name for the frontend static website e in this field.

Type “todo-medium-FE”

5. Type “npm run install-client && npm run build-client”.

Type “npm run install-client && npm run build-client”

6. In the Publish directory Type “./client/build”.

In the Publish directory Type “./client/build”

7. Click on Advanced.

Click on Advanced

8. Click on Add Environment Variable.

Click on Add Environment Variable


In this section, add the environment variable


10. In env variable Type “”.

We will retrieve this link from the backend Render URL:, and then append ‘/api/todos’ as the endpoint in Node.js

Env variable Type “”

11. Click on Create Static Site.

Click on Create Static Site

Finally, here is the link to your deployed application

1. Click on todo-medium-FE.

Click on todo-medium-FE

2. Click on Copy.

Click on Copy

You can visit the website by following this link:

Final Output


In conclusion, you’ve successfully navigated the deployment process of your MERN stack app on Render. From setting up the database to deploying both the backend and front end, you’ve gained hands-on experience making your app live.

To explore further or contribute, check out the complete source code on my GitHub repository: GitHub — TodoDeploy.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re ready to confidently deploy MERN apps and embark on your development journey. Thanks for joining me on this deployment adventure!

About the Author

I’m passionate about making technology accessible. Connect with me on [LinkedIn] to learn more about my work. Feel free to reach out with your feedback and questions. Happy coding!



Writer for

Undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa, Trainee Software Engineer, and tech enthusiast exploring cloud computing and software development.