Introduction to Cyber Security

Understand the Basics of Cyber Security

Samadhi Jayawardena
3 min readMay 7, 2020


Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Hi, guys. I would like to warmly welcome all of you to my article. Today I am going to give a brief introduction to Cyber Security. This is my first article, so there can be mistakes.

Let us move to the topic. So as you all know the technology is developing very rapidly these days. With these emerging technologies which are developing day by day, our private information has become more and more vulnerable than before. As we all live in a digital era in which all of us are connected through the internet, almost all the important data has been stored on computers and other devices. So there are some people out there looking for chances to grab the opportunity to attack other people through the internet. We can call those attacks as Digital Attacks or in other words, we can call them cyber threats as it is a threat to the user through the internet.

So Cyber Security simply means protecting ourselves from those digital attacks or cyber threats. In other words, cybersecurity is the practice of protecting internet-connected systems, networks, data, and programs from cyber threats. Cybersecurity also means keeping everything that we do online safely.

Information Security vs Cyber Security

There is a difference between Information Security and Cyber Security. Simply we can say that cybersecurity is a small part of information security.

Cybersecurity deals with protecting our data which is in digital form. That means cybersecurity only protects us from digital attacks. But information security deals with the protection of our both physical and digital form of data. Moreover, information security is a practice of allowing access to information to people in an organization only who are authorized.

Principles of Cyber Security

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There are three main principles of Cyber Security. It is also known as the CIA triad. Now I am going to explain them briefly.

Confidentiality:- The first one is Confidentiality. Confidentiality simply means privacy. Privacy means only authorized people will be able to view the authorized information. Some standard measures to establish confidentiality is Data Encryption, Two Factor Authentication, Bio-metric verification, and security tokens.

Integrity:- The second one is Integrity. This simply means that the data can not be changed by an unauthorized person. Cryptographic checksum, Data backups are some of the standard measures to establish Integrity.

Availability:- The third one is Availability. Availability means that the data is available whenever required by an authorized people without a delay. Some standard measures to establish Availability are Implementing Firewalls, Data redundancy, etc.

We can also say that Cyber Security means ensuring the confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of Data.

Types of Cyber Security

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Cyber Security is a broad topic. So there are different types under this topic. In this article, I am going to discuss some of those topics briefly.

Network Security:- Prevent and protect networks from unauthorized access.

Application Security:- Secure the application by finding and fixing the vulnerabilities of the application code.

Data Security:- Keeps data safe from unauthorized access or unauthorized alternations.

There are many more types under the Cyber Security topic but I am not going to explain them in this article because it is a broad topic. I am hoping to discuss cyber threats in another article. So stay tuned guys.

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