SQL vs. MongoDB

Chinthaka Jayatilake
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2019
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

At present, selection between SQL and MongoDB for projects is a common topic among the developers. The main reason for MongoDB to be popular in no time is because of the interesting features that it provides to reduce the complexity in programming and to increase the efficiency in executing.

Today, the main objective will be to brief both SQL and MongoDB along with a discussion regarding their advantages and drawbacks which will make it easier to select one among them to implement in our projects according to our requirements.


SQL stands for the structured query language. It is a database computer language that is designed to retrieve and manage data in a relational database. RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It is the basis of SQL. MSSQL, MySQL, and OracleSQL are examples of some modern database systems. SQL is built around relational algebra. Data Definition Language(DDL) is used for inserting data and Data Manipulation Language(DML) is used to manipulate the existing data. The database sticks to the ACID(Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties when executing a transaction.

Let us now give concern towards the advantages and the drawbacks in the use of SQL.

Advantages of SQL

  • A large number of records can be retrieved efficiently at a high speed.
  • No complex or many lines of code are required to manage the database system.
  • It can be used in servers, laptops, personal computers, and mobiles.
  • Ability to create views using a single table or a couple of tables
  • Locking protocols restrict the same data item being manipulated at the same time by many users. This will maintain consistent data in the database.
  • SQL uses an established standard that is being used by ANSI (American National Standard Institutes) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

Drawbacks of SQL

  • Difficult to scale when the database grows larger.
  • Partitioning the database into smaller parts.
  • Some SQL versions have a high operating cost.
  • Programmers using SQL have only partial control over the database.
  • It may be difficult for some users to access as SQL has a complex interface.


MongoDB is a leading NoSQL Database. It is an open-source document database written in C++. Basically NoSQL database was created to overcome the issues that the traditional relational database technology has. In MongoDB data is organized as JSON documents and BSON(Binary Serialized JSON) format is used for document storage. Data manipulation can be done through object-oriented APIs. MongoDB is a database which was mainly designed for big data and query. MongoDB gains its performance because of its key value-based design.

Now let us focus on the advantages that we get by using a NoSQL database like MongoDB and the disadvantages we experience.

Advantages of MongoDB

  • Scalability increases performance.
  • It has a flexible schema which makes agile development possible.
  • Geographically distributed scale-out architecture.
  • Ability to store large volumes of structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data.
  • Flexibility.
  • Big data processing and real data analysis.
  • The optional strict consistent level which ensure the insertion is completely successful in the safe mode.

Disadvantages of MongoDB

  • Transactions are not supported.
  • No single join operation. But it could be achieved by using multiple queries.

With all that we had come to the end of this discussion regarding SQL and MongoDB. We have identified each of them with their differences, positives, and negatives. It is totally up to us to decide on what database technology we must develop the software according to the requirements we have and the features each technology offers. We cannot name any technology and say that it is superior. Everything is based on the project requirements we are working with.

One technology might give a negative impact on the project while another technology may highly connect with the project. With the use of knowledge on technologies, we must be able to select the most suitable technology, to gain the maximum benefit that we could receive by implementing it within the software.

Cheers!! Have a pleasant day!!

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