How to: Linkr fundamentals

Linkr Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2019
Linkr features

Note: Linkr has stopped its services after new Linkedin policies, preventing users to use third-parties tools.

Learn more here

Linkr is a free Automated LinkedIn Lead Generation tool focused on helping you grow your business easily.
This medium post is aimed to help you understand how to use our tool (available on Chrome Store).

Note: Linkr also works with Sales Navigator.

Sign In

Before you start using Linkr (available as a Chrome Extension), you have to authenticate in our website with LinkedIn Connect. LinkedIn will share your name, picture and email with us. Besides these details, we will not ask for any more personal information.

Setup your search criteria

Achieve a search or go to the LinkedIn search page before starting Linkr.

You can use the search bar to specify the kind of profiles you want to reach (React Developer, Head of Sales, HR Manager, CEO, etc).
And the many filters below the search bar: location, company, industry, school, degree of connection, etc.

Run Linkr

When you are all settled, select the feature you want to use on the left menu:
- 1st: acquire new connections and engage them with personalized messages
- 2nd: extract contact information and professional details from profiles
- 3rd: send a message to all your connections

Note: When using the first feature (acquire new connections), it will also execute the second feature (extract details from profiles) in the same time.

Your Dashboard

Once Linkr’s work is done, you will be able to find all the data you extracted from profiles in your personal dashboard on the Linkr website. Your data can be filtered, but also exported as a CSV file.


We hope Linkr will fit your needs, and we are willing to hear your feedback.

If you have any issue or question regarding Linkr, feel free to use our live chat on our website.

The Linkr Team.

