Evan Hansen
LinkReply: Blockchain
2 min readJun 15, 2015


LinkReply: Blockchain

I’m launching a new publication on Medium today to follow and discuss the latest blockchain developments. It’s going to be a bit different from some other things you’ve seen on Medium. My goal is simply to collect a small list of the most interesting blockchain links I find every day as jumping off points for discussion. By design, the initial posts will mostly be short, linking out to other source material, including other posts on Medium, which already hosts a very active group of blockchain and bitcoin experts and enthusiasts. The real meat will emerge in the replies from people like you.

There’s nothing new about this. Link comment communities have existed on the Internet using this method since the dawn of the World Wide Web. Time someone tried it on Medium. If you like this idea, feel free to start your own LinkReply publication on a topic you’re passionate about.

I picked the blockchain because I personally feel the need to get up to speed on this. It seems important and urgent to understand it, and if you’re reading this you probably agree. If you are interested:

  • sign up for Medium, if you haven’t already
  • follow the publication
  • opt-in to the email list
  • start sending links worth discussing to me at evan.hansen@medium.com
  • respond on Medium to anything from the publication that interests you
  • invite other like-minded people to sign on

Also, please let me know if you want to be invited as a writer so you can submit posts using the Medium UI. If you are a real glutton for punishment you can apply to be an editor, which will give you access to the submission queue and the power to approve and reject posts.

That’s it, hope to see you posting links and replies soon.

