How to Optimize Your “link in bio” on Instagram: Linkstackr

Trevor Hardy
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2019

What is Linkstackr?

Linkstackr is a platform created to help Instagram users maximize the usage of the link in their bio, often called a “link in bio”. Linkstackr allows you to share an unlimited number of links to places across the internet, all from one place.

Use a Linkstackr custom link to share everything from one place — right in your “link in bio”

What is the purpose of Linkstackr?

Instagram has a major limitation that causes headaches to users that want to share multiple links with their followers — only one link is allowed within their profile page and throughout all of their posts. The purpose of Linkstackr is to overcome that limitation and allow Instagram users to share as many links as they’d like from their profile page.

How does it work?

Linkstackr allows users to place a single, custom link into their “link in bio”, and never worry about changing that link again. When clicked on, the link sends visitors to a collection of links that the Instagram user wants to share with them. Example below:

Linkstackr: Textual Links

This is what the user will see after clicking on the “link in bio” of a Linkstackr user. Instead of being taken to the place a SINGLE link would take them, they now have options!

Each of these links can take the visitor to a different place on the web… a place to download a mobile app, a place to buy a product, a blog post, whatever!

Why should I use a Linkstackr?

📈 Reason One: More Engagement with Your Content

If you are a blogger, or photographer, a real estate agent, or sell things online, a Linkstackr allows you to promote your work/products all from one place!

Let’s say you are a blogger, for example, and you’ve written 3 different blog posts that you want to share with your followers. How could you do that on Instagram prior to Linkstackr? Well, you’d have to choose which of the 3 blog posts to link to in your clickable “link in bio”, and MAYBE copy/paste the link into your individual posts describing your blog posts… but how often do people take the time to copy your links, go to their browser, and paste it in? Not very often.

With Linkstackr, you can create links to all 3 blog posts (as you see in the example above). That way, your Instagram “link in bio” is always the same, and all you have to focus on is adding links to your Linkstackr to share with your followers! You can prompt your followers to check out the link in your bio in order to find your latest blog posts! :)

Below is an example of a food/nutrition blogger’s Linkstackr. Instead of textual links to her blog posts, she’s created an “image grid” Linkstackr to help her followers find her blog posts & recipes quicker!

A food blogger’s Linkstackr with clickable images

Yes, each of those images is a link to one of her blog posts or recipes! Could you re-create that with a normal “link in bio”? Absolutely not! Do you think her followers appreciate how easy it is to find blog posts and recipes she shares? For sure!

Reason Two: Save Yourself Time

If you are constantly sharing content with your followers, you’ve likely gotten a DM or two asking you to share the link to whatever product it was you were recommending last week. Most influencers find that a lot of their time is spent re-sharing URLs to specific places on the web with their followers.

With a Linkstackr, you can leave all of your links in one place. Instead of replacing your “link in bio” link each day with a new link, just update your Linkstackr! What this allows you to do is simply say, “Oh, that product from last week? Yes, you can find that link in my ‘link in bio’!” Your followers will greatly appreciate how easy it is to find anything you may be sharing.

💰 Reason Three: Make More Money

If you depend on Instagram to help you get leads or generate income, you have likely had to sit down and really think about which link to include in your “link in bio”.

Will it be a link to your website? What about your blog? Oh, wait… you just launched a product… why not use that link instead? But “so-and-so” brand is sponsoring you to share their product and you’ll make a commission on each sale you generate! Too many choices, only one link…

Forget that! 🙌

This was one of the main reasons Linkstackr was built!

With Linkstackr, include a link to your website, products, content, and affiliate opportunities! Don’t miss out on a lead while trying to sell a silly product for another company! Let yourself be discovered — leave your website accessible, your blog visible, and any other links you want to share available to all of your followers!

Now, you can make money through your link in as many ways as you can think of. Cha-ching!!!

🧲 Reason Four: Allow Your Followers to Find You On Other Platforms

Are you trying to grow your YouTube channel? Have a Twitter handle? LinkedIn?

Using a Linkstackr, you can include links to your other profiles so you can be found all over! (See the Linkstackr above, titled “My Recent Work”. See those fancy circles with the social media platform logos? Yup. You can find me there.)

PRO TIP: You can even include a link to your Facebook Messenger. When clicked on, a user is chatting through Facebook Messenger with you! Handy when you’re looking to generate leads.

🚀 Reason Five: It’s Fun & Completely Customizable

You can change your Linkstackr page to match you and your branding! Everything is customizable, the fonts, colors, layouts, and header!

Change your page layout! It’s fun and easy! 🚀

In this post, we won’t go over all the different customization options, that post will be coming soon!

Don’t allow Instagram to limit your experience! Unleash the full potential of your “link in bio” with Linkstackr today!

Get started building your own Linkstackr here, no credit card required.



Trevor Hardy

Been building ever since my LEGO days. React, Ruby on Rails… they’re my new tools for building fun things.