LinkyBrain What?

Robert Hamilton-Smith
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018

LinkyBrains is stuff happening on LinkedIn (and twitter apparently.) Check it out and observe for yourself.

I have been hesitant to write this. Not that I don’t have anything to say but more because I have observed with interest what has been created by three people I don’t know. LinkedIn is a game machine of inauthentic self promotion so how do I know that these 3 white, successful human’s aren’t gaming us?

There have been many other posts by others sharing their version of themselves and what makes them tick and how the associate with others thinking.

I’m not going to do that as I am guarded about it and I also don’t want to come across as ‘Me Too’ and I am sure no one gives a fuck about my perception of myself (other than my therapist.)

BUT, what I do care about is the concept of sharing a concept and a most important concept.

The concept that there are a lot of people who struggle with the construct of life despite ‘getting it’. This really resonates with me as I believe with all my heart that life is not being acted out as it should be and that we have folded to the consensus (which is misinformed.)

Having young children I think a lot about what and how I should educate them in my view of the world. My view is different to most others. How? I don’t know but I’m a guy who is questioned and possibly judged by his life choices.

So when Doug, Chris and Alex talk about something that could change the world I get it. Is it giving back? Yes. Is it building a collective agreement around a abstract notion? Yes. What is it? Not exactly sure but I am intrigued and motivated to see where it goes but also tentative about showing the true authentic me to strangers (I’m sure you can relate to that.)


