LinkyBrains — A New Beginning

It’s all gone a bit meta

Aarish Shah
3 min readMar 22, 2018


On the Mara — Kenya

If you haven’t come across the linkybrain tag yet, you’d do well to read this first:

Let’s get one thing out of the way — I have never met (at least in the physical sense) doug_scott, Alex Dunsdon or Chris Tottman though I’ve been connected with Doug and Alex on LinkedIn and had a few meaningful exchanges through LI’s annoyingly basic messaging tool.

But when Alex shared his post about his Linky Brain, it just resonated.

So much so that I pinged Doug and asked what it was all about — and as it turns out, it wasn’t about anything, it was a clarion call to people out in the real world who felt differently, thought differently and moved through life differently to just know they weren’t alone.

And so it began, posts, thoughts, connections and, all of a sudden, people were organising events all over Europe — and beyond.

It felt like a tribe was being built from the ground up, no hierarchy, no purpose, just the joy of being part of something that could truly be bigger than the sum of its parts.

But of course, there are still many people who didn’t know what a #linkybrain was — so I also posted this earlier today…

Now normally my videos don’t get more than a few hundred views on a good day — this is tracking at 1K+ and still growing, again, it just seemed to resonate with people.

But here’s what it means to me to be a linky…

A #linkyBrain is someone who doesn’t follow the well trodden path, who embraces their own lack of knowledge and uses it to connect the dots whilst others are still colouring inside the lines.

Being a linky for me has meant being contrarian, not following the traditional lawyer, banker, medic, accountant route (ok I’m an accountant but don’t tell anyone), it meant quitting my job with nothing to fall back on because my gut saw an opportunity.

It’s meant questioning myself all the time and never allowing myself to claim I have all the answers, it’s allowed me to be comfortable not defining ‘who I am’ (other than now as a linky).

To share ideas and not be scared that someone nicks them — happy if they do.

Being a linky has, simply put, enriched my life because I never stop looking for, or being fascinated by something new.

But it’s not all gravy…

The worst thing about being a linky is never feeling like you’re good enough, never being able to accept your own successes.

Never feeling like you deserved or earned it, being restless and never quite satisfied with anything

Jumping from idea to idea but never committing to ‘the one thing’ like others seem able to do.

Wondering why everyone else seems to have it all figured out.

But the day you realise that they don’t, that life is an enigma. That’s when your linky superpowers let you fly!

Today as a linky I’m an entrepreneur, writer, poet, photographer, dreamer, connector, linguist and life long learner.

Tomorrow? Who knows.



Aarish Shah

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer