LinkyBrains — Embracing the Chaos

Aarish Shah
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018
Image Credit — Pixabay

I’m sure Yoda was a LinkyBrain

Since Alex Dunsdon, doug_scott and Chris Tottman launched(?), challenged(?), provoked(?) all the connect the dotters out there to come together and revel in our own differences, things just started happening.

Mike Sutton spun up a site, people started connecting and talking about everything from meditation to UBI, meetups started springing up all over the place, a Facebook page went live and folk started coming forward with heartfelt essays about their own linkyness and what it means to them.

Yet, plenty of people are still trying to work out the angle, understand what it’s all about, try to rationalise something that at his heart emerged (as so many things do) from something undefinable, whose evolution is unpredictable and somewhat irrational.

But like all great movements, it’s about the people, and what they want. What they wish to take from it, and more importantly what they wish to give back.

My brain has been in overdrive thinking about the ‘what might be’ that has arisen out of that first simple thought, that first post, that resonance and self realisation; but ultimately things only happen if people make them happen.

So, write a confession, post a video, connect with others, run a meetup, build an app — not because you’ve been told to, but because it resonated, because you can feel the start of something, because you can see the future.

Linkys live in a world where the majority needs structure, rules and regulation. Where it is ‘normal’ to follow a path from school to uni to job to marriage to kids and then rinse and repeat. So let’s embrace our inner linkyness, knowing that there are trails that cross the path, that we can teleport on an off it at will; let’s embrace the chaos…

Let’s not get stuck in the why’s and wherefores right now — for as Yoda once said:

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

Aarish is a self confessed LinkyBrain, connector of dots, people and ideas, writer of stuff, photographer of things and teller of tall tales. Connect with me here



Aarish Shah

Generalist | Thinker | Life Long Learner | Writer | Photographer