Take Your Training Seriously

Terry Cox
Linux Academy
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2017

How successful you can be in life depends largely on how seriously you take the work that goes into that success. You have to put 100% of yourself into everything you do in order to ensure that success. When you are preparing for that next phase of your career (whether that be a new job at a new company, new responsibilities at your current place of employment or a complete change in careers), you need to be sure that whomever you trust to help you prepare, is as committed to the process as you are.

Linux Academy shares that commitment. By employing only full time course authors to teach our content, we take your training as seriously as you do. Each of our course authors holds multiple certifications in their field, has used the technologies they teach in the real world, and actively participate in the community (i.e. speaking at conferences, sponsoring conferences and working the booths, and hanging out with our students at meet ups). We believe that only when our instructors can concentrate on providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date material, can you be as successful as you need to be. Each instructor teaches at Linux Academy as their only position, so you can be sure that you have an informed advocate for your training. Every course author participates on our community forums and you can ask questions of any of them seven days a week.

Although Linux Academy certainly provides affordable training in a variety of technology stacks using unique methods (Flash Cards, Hands-on Labs, Cloud Servers, Exercises, Quizzes and more), the most important asset we have is our dedicated staff of full time instructors. That shows how seriously we take your success.



Terry Cox
Linux Academy

Linux and DevOps Course Author at Linux Academy