Here’s How You Install and Run DuckDuckGo on Your Linux Terminal

Browse the internet on your Linux terminal with ease

Sam Writes Security
Linux For Everyone


author screenshot DuckDuckGo Official website

In this article, we will look into a program named ddgr that enables Linux terminal searches on DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo is a great substitute for Google searches since it places a strong emphasis on privacy.

In this case the searches will be conducted through a terminal window. You can easily do searches from the command line and open the outcomes in your browser if you choose to or start the searches using the command line and save the outcomes into a text file instead.

Linux provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for the majority of activities, but some people go for the terminal, which is very common on Linux, especially for experienced users.

Installing ddgr

What you need to accomplish this is a Linux distribution of your choice and an account with superuser privileges (sudo). For Debian-derived distributions (Ubuntu), use the following command:

 Sudo apt-get install build-essential unzip -y

You should know by now that the only difference between distributions might be the packet managers, at least when it comes to installing programs. For instance, on Fedora, instead of “sudo apt get,” we’d…



Sam Writes Security
Linux For Everyone

Freelance writer. Linux & cybersecurity enthusiast. Welcome to my world!