Happy Birthday, OpenBSD (6.8)

The 25th anniversary might just be the beginning

Frederik Kreijmborg
Linux Gossip


OpenBSD 6.8 poster artwork by Siah Files

For 25 years the OpenBSD developers have been delivering a safe operating system for people who like to tinker and tweak. Forked from NetBSD in October 1995, the team has produced a new release once every six or so months. Today, on the day of the 49th release of OpenBSD 6.8, there are several reasons to celebrate the project and the volunteer developers that keep OpenBSD going.

The fact that OpenBSD survived this long and was able to maintain its status of relevance is truly inspiring in a world in which constant progress forbids the establishment of sane and trustworthy standards. The new normal hasn’t creeped into the project yet. It’s “Never change a running system” done right. With OpenBSD you know what you get. A rock-solid operating system that can be used by anyone and for any purpose. The OpenBSD project is — for many users around the world— the embodiment of the concept called ‘free software’.

➡️ Install OpenBSD in a virtual machine

➡️ OpenBSD 6.7 on a Sun Ultra 5

Another reason to be happy about 6.8 is the current changelog itself since it promises more useful features, better hardware support, and a lot of bugfixes. OpenBSD has been a good OS for a long…

