Quick Test: Ubuntu Studio 20.04.3

Ubuntu-based Linux distribution / a digital art studio

Frederik Kreijmborg
Linux Gossip


Ubuntu Studio 20.04.3 desktop (launched virtually with VirtualBox and Solus as the host system)

Testing Ubuntu Studio has been on the agenda since 2020. Today I’m trying out Ubuntu Studio 20.04.3 in a virtual live environment via VirtualBox. It’s just a quick test to show what the distribution is about and what’s included.

I downloaded the amd64 version from the official Ubuntu server: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/20.04.3/release/ubuntustudio-20.04.3-dvd-amd64.iso (3.8GB)

Ubuntu Studio has no trouble starting in a virtual environment:

The desktop is tidy, the “start” menu looks nice. Xfce looks like a good choice for this kind of specialist Linux distribution. The distro is all about the preinstalled applications and utilities, so I’ll quickly glance over the contents of the live ISO.

Ubuntu Studio Applications

