Trisquel 9.0 LTS

A few things about the latest “Etiona” release

Frederik Kreijmborg
Linux Gossip


trisquel 9.0 mate desktop screenshot
Trisquel 9.0 screenshot — MATE Desktop with a soothing sea wallpaper

If you have a keen eye for desktop environments you’ll see that the Trisquel 9.0 experience is powered by MATE, the lightweight GNOME 2.x fork.

Under the hood we find Ubuntu 18.04 LTS as the base. The Trisquel team chose a solid foundation and added a little twist to make this Ubuntu-derivative truly unique.

So, what is Trisquel?

Let’s just quote the official website:

Trisquel GNU/Linux is a 100% free operating system. It comes with a complete selection of programs that can be easily extended using a graphical installer. There are several editions available, including the “mini” edition for netbooks and old computers and the network based installer for custom and server installations.

100% free means that nonfree firmware “blobs”, nonfree drivers, and everything else deemed nonfree by the FSF (Free Software Foundation) are out of the picture. But for some users that’s the appeal.

