Chainless DApps

Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2023

This week I want to talk about the Twitter Space I attended where I spoke about wallets and GameFi. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to share everything I had in mind within the time limit, so I take this as an opportunity to complete our vision on the subject, and yes, chainless Dapps are a big part of that vision.

The Future of GameFi — Twitter Space

First off, I want to congratulate Miners Of Kadenia, Wizards Arena and KadCars on the successful space. It was fun, there were quite a lot of listeners and it was very well hosted. Thanks for having me on. Having to prepare for the space actually gave me some time to really think about what a wallet and GameFi have in common, and how they could compliment each other.

I see a future where I can download a game on a console or PC, and on startup I can login with my cryptocurrency wallet (which can be possibly linked to your Playstation or Xbox or Steam account for example) and you can instantly buy in-game items with your cryptocurrency. In the wallet you should be able to see all your items, check your stats and maybe even have access to the stats of friends. Of course, sharing items or putting them on a marketplace to really make use of the ‘play to earn’ models should be in there as well.

GameFi and our PoO Layer

Our PoO layer would be something that could make these integrations for games as easy as it gets. Game developers should not have cryptocurrency experts on board.

With PoO, a game developer could login to the PoO dashboard to register his game. It could be as easy as answering a couple questions which will generate their custom policy’s, uploading all NFT related items in a predefined format where PoO takes care of the decentralised storage and getting back code to implement the NFT’s in game, connect to wallets and even have a direct marketplace in-game. Why would a game developer need to know anything about NFTs and cryptocurrencies? PoO should be no different than the services the developers use for in-app payments or data storage.

Chainless DApps and Linx Wallet

As some of you know, I am a Wizards Arena player, love the game. So while thinking about GameFi and wallets, I knew one thing for sure: I want Wizards Arena game inside our wallet. So I came up with a concept and discuss possible integration with Wizards, and they were open for it, but my concept had to be scalable to make it easy for ANY Dapp to become integrated in Linx Wallet.

Linx Wallet solved the chainless problem for wallets, and now we will solve it for Dapps. There is one major difference though with the way Dapps currently communicate with wallets and that is that wallets only sign. So Dapps can actually come up with a chainless approach themselves and use quicksign on WalletConnect, but in practice this is too complicated for Dapps, they need to focus on the Dapp, not on the balance and transaction side of things.

So when a Dapp is integrated in Linx, a Dapp can ask for total balance from the wallet. And when a Dapp proposes a transaction the user needs to approve, Linx will figure out the chainless part and send it to the blockchain. The Dapp will be updated on transaction status of course but does no longer need to handle the transaction(s). No need for WalletConnect, no need to leave the wallet, just an informational popup where the user immediately can approve the transaction and can continue, no UI blocking.

It doesn’t just add chainless to a Dapp, but full integration in the wallet means the Dapp has a possibility to send notifications to users. How great is it if you get a bid on your NFT and you immediately get a notification about it.

BUT, (and you know by now, in my articles there is always a but) the Dapp experience can’t have a negative effect on the overall wallet experience. So we need to have control over what gets fully integrated in the Dapp. This means there is work involved from both sides, the wallet and the Dapp. We will look at the mobile experience and if necessary advice some re-designs or restructure some UI to maintain a great experience. Of course these Dapps will feel and look fully integrated.

Looking a little bit ahead in the future, we will allow Dapps to list their Dapp inside the wallet without any form of quality control, but it would be a bit more difficult for the user to actually find the app and we can’t allow all functionality. So there is an incentive for developers to actually think about their Dapp experience on a mobile device and bring their A-game.

For now we start with a proof of concept with Wizards Arena in the coming months, but if you are a Dapp developer feel free to reach out and discuss what is possible.

NFT Generator

Last week Raul started to do some community work to help out others to improve the UX/UI of their projects. This week he finished up a project, Kadenai, where you (soon) can easily generate your NFT collection. This will be a great tool in simplifying Marmalade, and I think it looks amazing, and it is really cool that Raul is willing to share some of his time to help out others. Thanks Raul for doing this!

That’s it for now. Your’s truly,





Developer, Engineer, Problem Solver | Co-Founder @ThinEdgeLabs LLC